Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

Of course I am right and my words are true.

Nonsense. You just acknowledged my words were true. Worgen do not have tails in the lore. That is a fact.

The one time an author wrote that a Worgen had a tail - the author made a correction, because Worgen don’t have tails.

Your logic is akin to saying: “the lore doesn’t say Blood Elves can’t grow fox tails out of their eyes… show me where it says that!”

Far from debunking me, you prove me right. You even acknowledge the lore needs to be changed to accommodate Worgen tails :

The lore says Worgen don’t have tails, because they don’t have tails. The one time an author wrote a Worgen with a tail, she issued a correction, because Worgen don’t have tails.

I already told you, and the best you can come up with is some twisted logic akin to “it doesn’t not not not say they can’t not not maybe!” … meanwhile, an author who works for Blizzard issued a correction for mistakenly giving a worgen a tail. Because they don’t have tails.

It just isn’t in the lore. It isn’t personal.

Just to note - You guys keep bringing that word up in replies to me, I have been ignoring it. I never brought it up. If you read my posts in this thread, I have been sticking to the lore, and not mentioned that aspect.

Not personal. Just lore.

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If wanting to have a tail makes you furry, then whatever. Congrats on having good taste.


Okay, but they make up things all the time. This isn’t a difficult choice. Give an option for a tail. Big whoop. It’s not going to make or break the aesthetic. More choices = good.


lets ignore that bloodelf who also knew about the jailor all along back in warcraft 3 because he is an lore expert.

Give worgen tails :slight_smile:


Once again show us where in lore it says that. I can wait. The only truth to it is the currently do not have them. Hence the reason we are asking for it to be added.


She acknowledged that Genn having a tail is a mistake, which is true for a character portrayed in other media’s without a tail.

That doesn’t prove that all Worgen are incapable of having a tail. Especially when there have been depictions of such in other media’s.

You have yet to prove what lore needs to change to allow Worgen to have a tail option.

Again, Hearthstone.
You can conveniently ignore this but precedent is there.

I didn’t see this before, but this is just a false equivalence and disingenuous. Elves have not been historically depicted with a tail, wolves/werewolves have, which is what Worgen are clearly based on. You cannot in good faith say that Worgen getting a tail option is equivalent to Elves, Humans or Dwarves or any other race not based on some kind of animal also getting one.


The one that got fired for poorly representing the lore?


The one who currently writes some of the dialogue for in-game cinematics, apparently. Christie Golden.

We’ll see plenty of her work from before she left I’m sure, in their place I’d still use it rather than have someone do it again just because she was let go.

It’s just funny to see her as some lore source when she’s regularly changed lore because she doesn’t pay attention and blizzard isn’t so hard line on their lore as everyone seems to like to pretend.

Worgen could have tails tomorrow without a single word and nothing about them would fundamentally change. So I have trouble seeing people against something as simple as optional tails as seriously worried about the lore.


It does if you wanna gad about with all the unmerited swagger of a pigeon on a chessboard, knocking over pieces as you will, never knowing why or wherefor they don’t stay down.


Continuing to throw my support for both tail option and more cosmetic choice for worgen in the new thread


Also continuing to throw my support for more customizations on the Worgen side that isn’t just a few fur colors.


Sad to say but wasn’t that also what Chespin kept saying and then we proved them wrong now every time they show up their like a tauren with mad cow disease. What I find funny is all these “mah lore” folk completely ignore the fact that Lore never stays the same…it always changes as time goes on so compared to like new areas or people being discovered like what we’ll see in The war within worgen getting tails and more cosmetic love is very minor and can easily be explained unlike why every single blood elf and void elf can suddenly look like high elves or why a void elf can have the same eyes and skin as a blood elf when it was already said they can’t revert back to how they were prior


As I said. Please do show us where in lore it says “Worgen can not have tails.” None of the it’s the lore group has ever done this because it’s not in the lore. Yes currently Worgen don’t have tails but the again any human model be it stormwind human, Worgen or even Dracthyr Visage uses the Marcarana as the dance when we know for a fact Human females aren’t limited to 1 dance. They are also programmed to do a slow waltz as well. So why can’t that be a choice too? I’ll tell you Blizzard is lazy. They do the absolute minimum required as long as they think they will get away with it. That’s why the box art promised Dance Studio never became a thing. It happens and the only way to get Blizzard to change is to keep asking for the changes we want.


Popping in to say that Giving worgens an optional tail would be an easy win for Blizzard.


Popping in again still showing my support to give worgen tails and more customization. Never stop! Don’t give up!


Leave it to that elf to skim most of what I said and continue his stubborn rant… why do we keep getting these crazy ‘mah lore’ folk who refuse to admit that lore is always changing and adding new stuff as the story is being written. I mean it kinda got thrown out the window at least once already for that BS in Shadowlands but…let’s just pretend that was a crazy fever dream caused by N’zoth messing with our heads.

Give worgen Optional tails already Blizz

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At this point I want a tail purely so I can blind all Blood Elves that have golden eyes with the dashing beauty of it lol

Yeah I’d have my worgen wag theirs in the faces of all the haters at this point myself, like how I made sure my rogue here stayed in the warden garb just to make all the haters of it not being NE only seethe at how good it looks on my vulpera. I’m not a spiteful person but some folk really are obnoxious these days, I mean I’d of been quite annoyed if an armor set that takes a full year to obtain got limited while its mount did not. Thankfully Blizz knew better so…all I need now is my worgen getting an option of a tail and I could see myself relaxing despite how long getting to that point took. I wonder if they’ll add warden weaponry for everyone to the trading post…find matching weaponry for this armor is a nightmare…tried matching the knife you get from BC Karazan Moroes but idk if it truly works or not. You think I’d end up with a pack of NE wanting to turn me into a belt if I made a NE purely for their glaives then like race changed it to something else? Last I checked the NE glaives from their heritage quest can be used by everyone… wonder if that goes for dark iron weaponry too

Oh right back on topic…give worgen optional tails

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It’s just a game, no matter what happens to the lore, the options we have for our characters, etc… We’re here to have fun and have a good time. There’s no reason to refuse an option we’ve been asking for so long, just to give worgen some tails. Give us the opportunity to play with the character we want to have!