Give Worgen Tails (Part 2)

And the correct size to avoid floating shoulder armors…


Give Worgens tails :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


I’m not into or interested in investigating what is and is not a furry-( no offense to your remarks meant)

And it is just bizarre that this subject keeps coming up with regards to a tail customization request on a cartoon race of human/wolf/werewolf critters in a game full of humanized cartoon animal people who all have tails!!


Yeah…I’d have to agree… what’s it really matter about all that we just want our worgen to get the option of a tail and more options in general. I mean…the entire reason for this thread and the prior one was that hey Blizz we’d like optional tails for our worgen please, perhaps straight posture for the worgen guys as well and true black fur but mainly the tail option


I just did not want people to have a misconception about what a anamorphic animal race is which is an animal with a humanoid body/built.

Back on topic though give worgen optional tails

There you go…fixed it for you but seriously stop with the chat about furries…more talk of how amazing an optional tail would be for worgen. You’re going to encourage the trolls if you keep talking of the former rather than the latter


I played Skyrim and the Werewolf form has Tails. Odd for WoW to not have Worgen Tails.


Note our elf friend never came back to say in Lore where the Worgen cant have tails… Because it dont exist. Oh well Give Worgen Optional Tails.


Make running wild not look completely and utterly rediculous! Put a tail on that donkey!


Give worgen tails. But give playable Naga tails right after.

I will tell you what does not exist.

Worgen with tails do not exist. That is why I had no reason to reply to your nonsense.

The reason you want Worgen to have tails is because they currently do not. It is self evident.

You don’t see Blood Elves with tails, either. Because it isn’t in the lore.

I didn’t bother to reply to such nonsense. I made my opinion clear, and the lore is clear, as well. Worgen with tails is against the current lore, same as Blood Elves with tails or mechagnomes with tails.

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Then blood elves getting yellow eyes back randomly is against the lore. - Specifically by the standards that were said.


So…let me point something out for you as clearly…you’re spouting whatever nonsense you can like a child throwing a tantrum. Lore is not set in stone… it is constantly changing as the world continues to exist, new stories happening and new lore being made in a never ending cycle. New chapters can always be added and if no new chapters are added the lore grows stagnant and withers away. Yes worgen with tails currently does not exist in the lore but it would be a new chapter added to the lore. Tauren used to be Yaugol till countless tribes separated during the sundering and became the tauren tribes we know today. If lore didn’t get new chapters none of that would of happened, if the sundering never happened Blood elves would not exist either nor the void elves or high elven people as they’d still be the highborne NE. New lore is good for the game, good for the story and if Blizzard does add the option for worgen to get tails they could always add a setting you can toggle off to not see them if you’re that against them. Highmountain tauren got antlers from a blessing of Cenarius so in that same manner worgen can get the option of a tail from Goldrinn’s blessing. It’s not far fetched as blessings from wild gods is known to do these things. I mean… Harpies exist and are said to be due to Aviana. I can’t see what logical reason there is to stand in the way of the lore growing as if the lore can’t grow the game may die. Let the worgen get some new stuff, I mean they’re not screaming and demanding you elves not get stuff so being cruel to them and saying they can’t get things is rude and disrespectful. As is talking down to a woman like you did to Foxy… leave the poor dear alone alright. I mean for all you know they may be a guy who plays female vulpera and if so you look quite foolish so… just a thought


Give worgen optional tails.


That was the discussion I was having, yes. Thank you for pointing out that I am right.

My quibble here is with the people who just want Worgen with tails and claim it works with the current lore. It does not.

If people say “I don’t like current Worgen lore I want it changed for my personal aesthetics” - that is honest, at least.

The current lore does not support Worgen with tails, the Lore would have to be changed. Whether the lore is changed is not in my hands.


Pointing out the lore is not disrespectful. Blizzard ultimately makes the decisions, not me. They have their lore, until they change it.

If Panda Posters want to have Shark Heads growing out of their arms and a lizard tail growing out of their forehead… I would say the same thing: that is not in the lore at the moment.

Oh, so the lore would need to be changed for it to work? Just like it was when they gave blood elves their yellow eyes?



There was a lot of lore building up to Gold Eyes and supporting it by the time it was available.

A brief summary: High Elves had the Sunwell and worshiped the Light, until it got wrecked, but then it got fixed up, and now the Blood Elves are back to their Light worship, with a better understanding of it.

After all that happened, then they got Gold eyes. A few expansions after BC.

There is no such story progression for Worgen Tails. It has no support in lore, certain people just… want it. The lore would have to be changed to support that.

Yes, it does.
Just like dark skinned elves suddenly appearing, they were always there just not ingame.
And since in places like Hearthstone, there is depictions of Worgen characters with tails, so there is already precedent for this to be the case.

There is no lore that dictates Worgen, a race of bi-pedal wolf people, can not have tails, so no lore changes if they get that option.


They don’t have tails. It isn’t even an option. Perhaps if the lore changes, but not under the current lore.

The one time an author wrote a Worgen with a Tail - Christie Golden in Before the Storm - she acknowledged it was a mistake.

Blizzard didn’t say “oh Worgen have tails sometimes” - they said it was a mistake.

Watching people chase a non existent tail in circles is quite something.

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Guess I hit a nerve. You said lore says Worgen can’t have tails I asked you to simply prove it and you get mad about it because you are wrong. Neat!

Worgen do not currently have a tail yes that much is true. And the reason we want it to be an optional choice? Because the concept art had it. Because more choices will always be better. Lets take a look at something:

You didn’t see Blood elves with anything but green eyes. But lets see… What colors can they choose from. Green, Gold, Blue, Red… Now lets check to make sure the “Lore” said all those are ok.

Green - Blood elves absorbed Fel enegry and bobs your uncle green eyes. Ok that checks out!
Gold - Blood elves absorbed the enegry of the Sunwell… Poof Gold eyes! Once again Neat!
Blue - Randomly added in Shadowlands… Oh boy where is the lore?
Red - Added for the Undead skin. Backed up by a lore reason. Ya we can let that one slide.

So did you catch that? Blue eyes randomly added in Shadowlands with no lore to back up the reason they were put it. And you know its ok that it was added. It gives players a choice of more ways to make the character their own and customize a look they want. So tell me why would it be wrong for Worgen to get the same thing? An optional tail will not change Worgen other than be a personal customization that the players can choose and heck if you want they can simply say… “Goldrinn gave his blessing to Worgen and thus altered the curse and Worgen could happly wag their tails. The End.”

The lore says nothing about Worgen being able to either have a tail or not have a tail. The model currently does not have one but it is a magical curse that can be altered, so be honest what is the real reason you don’t want Worgen to get an optional tail. We aren’t asking for a racial tail swipe to go with it. It would only be an choice left up to the player. I just want to know why you are so aginst it. Is it due to the fact it would make Worgen more like a furry in the game? Cause while its true some people really hate that idea that ship has long since sailed as Tauren, Vulpera, Dracthyr, Pandaren, and other numorius races in WoW are already representing furries and aren’t about to be changed. Help me understand where you logic comes from. I am willing to discuss my PoV in detail and your current “But Muh Lore” has already been debunked so just talk to us and let us find out why you feel the way you do a good discussion might help you in this case.