Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I can actually confirm that the video Asheru posted was on retail, and they also made it so the cloak is moved slightly so it avoids clipping on to the tail and it never once clips with it. :smiley:

Canā€™t do it anymore these days, but yeah, in the past it was possible. Worgens still use the same skeleton, so you can get the same results, but better with Blizzards own tools.

Lol? What gave you that idea???

Sheā€™s still using the alpha vulpera model. Though I adore tails would be nice if vulpera had a stub option too. Though maybe she is meant to have a lore reason for no tail.

Well she is a pirate, it could just be as simple as she lost it in battle seeing how brutal the pirate life can be. But yeah, more options is always welcome. Remember how red pandas were the only ones who could have tails? Now any pandaren color can have a tail and the red pandas can turn off their tails if they wanted. :smiley:


Male Pandaren still canā€™t have tails for some reason.

Yeah that should 100% be addressed. Give male pandaren tails. Really weird how they donā€™t have one. Maybe weā€™ll have a mini patch that will bring in all the tail options with it. \o/


Always happy to see more options for any race.


This guy probably.

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Give Worgen Tailsā€¦AND give the CC a sense of humorā€¦


Iā€™d love hair optionsā€¦ God alpha worgen were so freaking good itā€™s not even funny.


They do have at least 2 dollars to spare.



Blizzard this never made sense.

Is there any example of sexual dimorphism where one sex has a tail and the other does not? Certainly not in mammals.


All races need tails. Humans have tail bones. We deserve tails! Irl and in game!

But for real. If it has fur or scales give it a tail.

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Hey Blizzard, Final Fantasy lets everyone use tails. Let us have tails so you can compete with em. ;D


And to top it off Blizzard makes joke of the community.

  • No new more females bikinis armors or skimpys armors gears
  • No new best classes from Warcraft 3 like Necromancer, Blademaster and Tinker
  • No best races and more worthy
  • No better customization like Worgen Tails.

I donā€™t know where the game is going with its own underwhelming company quirk and detail like the evoker and the Drackthyrs when Azeroth first needs the missing concept that was seen in the RTS trilogy, it doesnā€™t look good when new to the expansion itā€™s not the Warcraft we need to see first.


The world canā€™t handle the might of our tail


Not a Worgen player, but adding my voice to the list. Give Worgen tails! New customization options are always a good thing!

Also, Void elves already got high elf customizations, Draenei got longer tails option by now and the tail for female pandaren is optional as well, what is holding you back Blizzard?


With That who is ā€œYā€™allā€ you were referring too? And where is this death threat that keeps popping up in this form of conversation? If it is form social medias other than posting in these thread post keep it there ,that is very disturbing.

Still hoping Worgen druids get pack form for the feral look one day.


Im thinking some times how itā€™s going to be better, if the pack form appears, when u shift in, maybe it will be u wearing the mog u have or just your model but more naked.