Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Pack form is just a straight up Wolf form they can be used in for feral. Would I like to see some kind of Werewolf tank form rather than bear… yes but at the end of the day most of the time you see tanks they have some sort of bear form. There is the full blown mage tower look but that would take a bit more work to implement I would think.

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Pact form is one of those things i hope they bring in as well. The way i always say it, is give worgens a quest where goldrinn gives us his blessing. As a reward, he gives us both a tail option and gives you the option to turn cat form in to a wolf form now that you can control pact form.

We already see a full blessing gives taurens antlers, so naturally, a blessing from goldrinn should give us tails.


Well, I think it’s a stretch to claim that “the community” cares about this, unless you define “the community” as only those people who want tails on Worgens.

I was curious so I did a search on “The wolf man” to see what Lan Chaney Jr. looked like in Wolf Man form. He did not have a tail.

Then of course there is Twilight where they have people turning into wolves but they change completely into wolves with four legs, the tail and no part of them resembling humans.

So you went back in time to see The Wolf Man one of the first movie style werewolves that was a wolf man and long before they had CG and decided that should be the only standard cause it fits what you want? How about optional things that let people use the looks they want rather than limiting people. I mean your a blood elf you have gotten more optional things just handed to you than any other race. More options will always be better and no one should honestly think they have the right to tell others. No I don’t want you to have options.

I was not aware that I was doing any time traveling, I was just passing along information on what various Lycans look like in different media.

But I’m curious. Just what customizations do Blood Elves have that others don’t have? Did this happen since Cataclysm because we were just as beautiful back then as we are now.

And I’d like to point out that we still don’t have a decent pair of black tights.

Shall we start with Purple eyes? They aren’t lore based or anything else they were quite litterly a bug that people liked the look of so Blizzard just said… Ok keep it. You have gotten the Dark Ranger look, golden eyes and the only races that beats you in customization options is Night Elf and Orcs. Don’t forget you get 2 heritage items quest chains while some races are still waiting for the first. There is a ton of stuff Blood Elves get and its great to see such options as choices. So why do you come here to tell us we dont want you to have options? Im just trying to understand the logic behind you coming here and posting that you only want one look for a race that more than likely you don’t even play.

Ill be back later I got my stream going live.

I wasn’t telling anyone what they could or couldn’t have, I was just pointing out that normally Wolf Men don’t have tails. Is this another area where it’s off limits to point out simple facts these days?

As for the Dark Rangers, they are part of the game and unlike Worgens they can’t change the way they look on the fly. I think Shadow Priests are the only other race/class that can do that.

Worgen are a magical curse it could be changed on a whim with no warning at all.

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Until you get it under control which is pretty early in their development. That’s a pretty neat feature.

Its been under control since Cata. That is what we did a ritual for.

Twilight…? What I was missing was the only way to give a bad example of a bad movie, what a mess.

What an OBVIOUS way to say that everything here is fine, COPIUM…

As long as we forget that Blizzard lacks more customization to races other than ONLY HUMANS, just because of their pathetic agenda.

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Wolf Men don’t normally exist either so I don’t much see the point of that sort of argument. lol


#GiveWorgenTails Squad lesss goooooo


It wasn’t an argument. It wasn’t supporting any point. I just stated a fact.

Wikipedia isn’t a valid source.

normally dont have tails isnt being backed up by any objective evidence.

Werewolves or wolfmen are much, much older than hollywood.

If were going to argue completely subjective experiences without any sources I can say in my experience most werewolves/lycans/wolf people have tails.


I said normally they don’t have tails. If you read the Wikipedia article on The Wolf Man it will talk about how Lan Chaney set the standard for how Wolf Men are depicted.

It set the standard, but just like all other forms of media that follow the trend of bringing in tailed versions of wolf men, even Blizzard follows that trend with Diablo, Overwatch, and even Hearthstone showing tailed wolf men. So only natural that in wow, a game with all kinds of different diverse forms of creatures, Worgens could follow that trend too and have both tailed and tail-less Worgens running around. :smiley:


As a fellow worgen dk I wholeheartedly support this idea, and don’t just do it for worgen but everyone.
Everyone should have as many options for their character as possible no matter the race, we worgen just are tired of being left in the dust all the time.


Both lore wise, gameplay, and customisation.

We barely get any lore attention and when we do it’s Genn being mad about something.

Lore wise we reclaimed gilneas and then that was retconned that we didn’t actually have it but Calia promises we’ll get it back again at some point… maybe… we’ll see.

We got our storyline in cata cut. We have a fully functional city/zone in theory if they added npcs but they just refused. You have to play horde to continue out story in cata.

We got some of the worst customisation. Some new eye colours and fur colors. The eye colors don’t even work if you’re a dk.

Our racials are very meh. Maybe not the worst but pretty bad.

Our racial/cultural identity has been completely subsumed by the stormwind human/alliance. (Part of the reason Gilneas didn’t wanna be part of the alliance… their fears came true)

We have no ability to fight with our claws like npc worgen can. A simple racial or worgen cosmetic weapon to hide weapon appearance would be nice but nope.

We finally get lore with our heritage armour which is all about Tess refusing to become a worgen because being Gilnean doesn’t mean being worgen or some such nonsense I don’t understand where that’s coming from. It appears being Gilnean means subsuming yourself to the superior stormwind human culture so yeah if you can just stop being worgen that’s ideal so we can blend in better. I have a theory that long term goal they’re going to force anduin and tess together and don’t like the idea of anduin dating a “furry”

It took us forever to have our butchered models fixed and it STILL has issues. Especially the walk/run animation still being derpy as heck. Don’t get me started on running wild. If we don’t move and just t-pose we look alright. Our face is infinitely improved. But we still have so many issues probably because we didn’t get a new skeleton just additional bones so we’re stuck with some of our original animation issues.

sigh Werewolves are like one of the most popular concepts in fantasy. Why does blizzard hate us so much? Do they regret making worgen a playable race? Are their creative juices so empty they can’t come up with a decent story that honors both the Gil’neas cultural heritage as well as their present and future as worgen?

I just don’t even know what’s going on. The only thing worgen players get is an angry leader. Who’s probably going to get neutered now that Sylvanas is gone or maybe they’ll decide to start villain batting the alliance and Turalyn and Genn go evil or something and we have to kill them in the siege of stormwind and then tess becomes queen but marries anduin and then merged the kingdoms of gilneas and stormwind putting the final nail in the coffin of gilnean cultural independence.


…I honestly can see Genn dying soon in the near future, he’s old and should be in his 80s by dragonflight which is quite a lot for a human. Maybe as soon as the expansion after DF, maybe in some connected storyline with the reclaimation of Gilneas and him finally put to rest next to his son in that graveyard.
Could be one of the more respectful ways to send off a big lore character.
Either way, I don’t think Genn has many expansions left.

Edit: I should clarify that the reclamation of Gilneas would also be the “end” of Genns current arc, and a good point where to end an old character, his thing about the forsaken and Sylvanas are currently “solved” with her being in the maw and him accepting that forsaken can be good people. What else is there for this old character to do outside of reclaiming Gilneas and giving advice to the young king (not that young anymore) Anduin. Resting his old bones beside his son that was stolen from him after the conclusion of the arc that was started by those events, is in my opinion a good end.

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