Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Did I read 10,000’s posts.


Just saying without knowing the dev tools, what their asset pipelines look like, or what restrictions the existing armor system imposes, there may be a SUBSTANTIAL amount of work involved in “adding tails”

As the post you linked might indicate, they started and then stopped on tails, there might be a reason for that.

So many werewolf depictions have tails, including in warcraft official art. The oldest depictions of werewolves have tails. It’s very normal for a bipedal wolf character to have a tail option.
Give worgen tail options. They look bizarre with chimpanzee-butts.


look at the post directly above yours. They’ve already rigged the models for tails. Look at saberon and saurok. Look at drakthyr, which uses the worgen female model.


I really don’t think it’s that much more work just to make a quick tail and pop it on. Fluffy tails are quite simple to make as well. Now something that may take a bit of work is someone like me who wants the big foxy tails you could find on games like IMVU, SL, VRC, etc.


This right here. Some of the earliest horror icons that were Werewolves – even they had tails. And for those who are gonna come in saying ‘Well acksually’ they aren’t werewolves. I suggest you look up werewolves and take a re-read real quick to refresh yourself. Plenty of art shows it. The only movies I can recall not having one is because instead of having fur the Werewolves in them were more like leathery-skin with tufts in certain places.

All they would have to do is model the tail.

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It shouldn’t take all that much really to add a tail and rig it to the existing model since the bones are already there.

And this is just me but I’d be more than willing to mog my way around a tail, I already do that with my weapons and head anyway to make my character look decent.
It doesn’t have to make 100% logical sense either. We already accept that tauren/vulpera/pandaren tails are just outside of their pants so they don’t have to go in and edit every texture to have a tail hole for worgen either.


You didn’t read anything from yesterday either, because that’s when what I quoted was posted.


We are forsaken.

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Just popping a tail on probably wouldn’t be an issue, but getting it synced with the model and working with the existing animations, tools, engine, armor design templates and production pipelines might be a big undertaking.

Imagine if they made a new class with three arms and the new one sticks out of the chest. There’s thousands of existing chest armors that aren’t designed for that.

And in the existing models there’s a couple of poly’s that have the current armor mapped to them that most likely would need a hole cut in them that the new arm would attach to. This would most likely squish the texture on existing poly’s that have a new shape to accommodate the new arm.

There might be an easy fix to this or a way to batch process it, but it also might require remapping all the existing textures to the new model shape by hand. And to look good they will probably need new texture maps with borders and decorations that indicate where the new arm is for all the existing armors.

They could maybe crash an arm ( or tail ) model through the existing model, but we have no idea if they could then animate it to all the actions. And it will slide relative to the rest of the model and probably look weird. Obviously they can attach geometry to models, like shoulders, but most likely they just take on transforms of the attach point while at most running an animation loop. So getting the arm ( or tail ) to animate to an action might not be possible. Just sits there running it’s loop whatever you happen to be doing.

Adding a tail might be as problematic as adding a third arm. I don’t know, it may not be. But I think if it was low hanging fruit they would have done it by now.

Actually, up to today I thought this was troll thread and have never been in it. So just adding my two cents on possible reasons this may not be as easy of an ask people think.

If it’s easy for Blizz to pull it off, by all means. Do it. If it require them remaking 5000 pant armors to work with a tail, well that’s a lot of work that might be better spent in other places.

It doesn’t. That’s now how it works.

The tail is its own model, the armor is only applied to the skin layer of the models.

That’s how it works for all races with tails.

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The only thing that would have to be done when it comes to the tail is the animation, which yeah will take some time, and moving the cloak slightly as I posted yesterday which is extremely easy to do, and is as simple as coding in “Move cloak back a bit when tail is enabled”.

The one thing that makes me feel like it wouldn’t be too much effort for Blizzard at least, is the fact that vulpera, which is basically a tail-less goblin skeleton, was given both a tail and all the fancy animations. Remember, they originally weren’t gonna get tails until people asked for it as it was being made and they ended up getting it. They went the extra effort to add in those tails on something that’s supposed to be as simple as a allied race, and they supposedly did all that during when bfa was released, and them finally being playable in 8.3. Want a example of a tail-less vulpera? Look at Captain Eudora. Also hey, give Vulpera a no tail option if they want no tail. :smiley:


Also forgot to mention, when it comes to the pants and pants armor/ect, this thing is universal and apparently so easy to do that they ended up doing just that by complete accident, we saw this in Shadowlands beta. They accidentally enabled the thing that makes the game think the tail bone was enabled when they also enabled the undead bones being optional, so as a result, we ended up with this hole on all the pants/belts. Here’s a album that has all the examples of that.


I happen to love female worgens AND their faces


You know what would make it even better for us worgen dks? Hey Blizzard, bring back pupils for dks. Make it a option! I miss when I had these eyes on my dk. :frowning:



what about giant eye balls that stick off the head they would be twice the size of the head - that would be different

As I’m aware modders have done it. And them with all the exuberant funding, connections and access to cutting edge software and hardware as would a humble hobbyist have.
I should hope blizzard capable of at least matching that much, but small, multi-dollar indie company and all that.

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That is part of the curse. They are not werewolves that came about from a virus and bacteria. worgens are from a curse and only look like wolves so that people would kill them and so that they would go feral and kill eachother.

Thequixote just so you know from a model editing perspective, you don’t have to do the model animation for each class. Bones in models are either animated dynamically or are animated by key frames. The bones for a Worgen tail already exist in the model and have since Cata they have just never had the tail to attach to to animate something. If you look at the following you see the tail already is working just fine the bones only need a mesh to attach to to give it the in-game look.

Blizzard knows how to animate with quick copy and paste for simple things like this as they have done it in the past just look at how many times they have reused the human female dance at this point.


Based on the work of people on… anti copyright servers. Who do it all for free. It wasn’t an issue to add a tail and avoid any major clipping. At least from images/videos that have been posted. I don’t play on those servers so I do not know how it actually looks in game if it differs from the videos cuz those could’ve been doctored. But taking it at face value would suggest it’s not that much of a difficulty.