Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Heh… look at history… refuting the truth is a COMMON things and more often than not wins at least at first. It seems the truth inevitably comes out but often there is bloodshed. Not saying this is the same. But just the point that it is really easy to refute truth and has happened throughout human history and even in the modern world. Ever heard of flat earth society? Ya… the one thing you’d thinke veryone in the world could agree on. The earth is round/sphere. And there is some who don’t even believe that.

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I was joking. i was Ethereals anyways. Have since TBC. Regardless of if they get bewbs or not.

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If I were to be honest, I suspected you were joking, but I wanted to make the post anyways to ensure no one got any ideas…

It’d really suck if I inadvertently caused thread threat crossover.


Vulpera Discussion Megathread - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

I would like to gently remind people one of the biggest modern campaigns in WoW to make something available to playable was the Vulpera Allied Race Campaign. The OG megathread has only 111 likes.

This thread? Has 615 likes. That is incredibly significant number. While the forums may be a minority it shows that A LOT of people want this. The first 5 posts in this thread has more likes each than the first Vulpera post.

This is the most likes I have ever seen on the modern iteration of the forums.

I would be both shocked, saddened, and a little upset if this campaign doesn’t pay off.



I get a few laughs when I use my “Salty” title. :grinning:
And then there are the people who don’t get the name… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


Give goblin tails!


GIVE WORGEN tails. yeah that.



I’m all for more customization, and more options.

That said, don’t you think a big fluffy tail takes away from the big bad wolf vibe going on? To a certain degree you can tell how a cat or a dog is feeling by watching its tail. If they add tails then I really doubt if they’ll get the wagging correct. It would look funny if a worgen is about to threaten someone and his big bushy tail is whipping back and forth like they’re excited to meet him.

Another thought, there are already tailed races in game. So why not roll a Vulpera who have big bushy tails, or one of the two flavors of Draenei who have tails that are so fine they put jewelry on them. Or Pandas with their docked tails. You do have options.

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Except a boring solo grind with no one to play with…hmmmmmm sounds like a great way to use my limited time.

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Wonderful. Wish I had that kind of gall. :stuck_out_tongue:

I salute you, Salty Cur.


Why not? Vulpera seem to be doing fine.

Cause they’re immensely different from Worgen and not what we want to play?

Tail wont change anything bout us so don’t sweat it.


something doesn’t add up here.

Oh, I’m not.

With people, you can pull their leg, and hopefully if worgen get tails, then we can pull them too!

Are you confused? There is no cross faction play. He likes ally and wont go horde this expac

Then go Alliance.

Nothing stops you from doing that.

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I play both alli and horde. In BfA my alli toon was my first 120, in SL it is horde.

I am playing ally atm which is why I asked for tails…and i said what was stopping me from going horde but you dont seem to get it so its just ignore time.

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I get the realistic bit here, but this isn’t a game mechanic and I’m not sure why so many bring it up. lol

No one brings up the long hair all over we could pull…

Thats the crux of their problem my dude. They want to be Horde not Alliance. So they can be adorable and have a tail while being Ferocious.

Their friend is Alliance and they don’t like to play alone. So they want Worgen to have tails so at least they’d have that option.

(I may have added in the adorable part, don’t think they are actually looking for that, I just like Vulpera.)


I do get it.

You’re not being forced to play anything then if you’re playing Alliance rn, that’s irrespective of the fact if Worgens do get that customization or not.

I mean yeah I get that. I don’t care if races get more customizations. There are certain people who absolutely ape over other people getting customizations for some reason and that’s really weird.

But I’m like, bruh, what are being forced to play rn?

Don’t even bother. They don’t understand. I love Vulpera so much and was the only reason I even continued to play WoW. Worgen having tails would at least make playing alliance tolerable for me.


These two bits, tell me you have no idea or are purposefully misunderstanding.

Then lay off.

Honestly like I said above it sounds like you do get it but are purposefully misunderstanding to be a pain.

Leave em alone they just want a tail to be happier.

Don’t hurt you none.

I probably shouldn’t. Though I think they do understand they’re just being nitpicky.

Guess thats fun for some.

I feel for you. Sucks when you can’t play the way you want to for whatever reason.