Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I still haven’t gotten a response towards the warcraft chronicle books being lore breaking lmao.
Guess you can say… that broke Lore ;D

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Note: Please don’t harass him in this thread though. That wouldn’t be cool.


Wait a minute… NEW LORE? THAT IS PREPOSTEROUS! You can’t just have new lore!


The true people spamming, by simply posting nothing additive, are Worgen. But as they’re on your side you are ignoring that, which is quite hypocritical.

You shouldn’t be waiting, considering I’ve cited it a few times already. And yes indeed, what an author says is lore.

Doesn’t break the lore, as a void elf player I would assume you’ve encountered Alleria before. She has been able to transition between skin tones from the beginning.

The difference, which connects to a little above, is that in the WoW canon it’s stated that they don’t have tails by Golden. Comparatively, it’s not stated anywhere in the WoW canon that female Ethereals do not have “boobs”. Additionally, I don’t recall directly stating in the thread that they had to take from Hearthstone as I don’t have any issue with them continuing to use the same models for both sexes while still separating voice actors.

However, as that particular topic is not relevant to worgen I will not derail the conversation.

I appreciate you being civil.

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The author isn’t a Dev of the game.

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You mean like all the retcons in the warcraft chronicles? Guess if they can freely change the lore on there, they can easily do the same for a minor change like tails :smiley:


Lore abiding citizen.

cries in med’an

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We do not say that which should not be named, Blizzard will send a hit squad at you in warmode on if you mention it.

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Don’t fight on the troll’s level. They will move their argument every which way just to frustrate you. You will notice he didn’t try refuting what I said.


Golden isn’t a lore person. Shes a writer. The other guy is stating that at that time they don’t have tails.

There is no lore that says they cannot have them. Nothing would change if they did.

Citing lore is ridiculous.

You mention taking the concepts from Hearthstone several times in that post.


All AR’s deserve their chance and messing about in another’s thread cause we’re annoyed at them in another is never cool.

Hard for him to refute truth.

The one time he kinda sent along a rebuttal to more or less what you said, the only thing he claimed would change, was that worgen would sometimes have tails.

Cause that is the only thing that would change. Nothing else. Nothing of merit.

Give Worgen Tails.


i wanna see tails, and the alpha model of worgen ears as OPTIONS!!!




multiple people coming in to share their s upport is not “spamming”


No idea if this has been posted on here before, but here’s another neat idea they could bring in with tails. Much like the draenei tail jewelry, you can add in little straps to the tail or other kinds of accessories to it!


They’re so pretty ;n;



No winks. No nudges.

Our beef with him is here in this thread.

Do NOT take your grievance to a thread that has nothing to do with it.


Let me offer a happy middle ground. Do not lower yourself by simply attacking him. Retain the high ground by taking the arguments he has made here and apply them to the points he makes in his own thread.


Nothing is impeding you from playing on the faction your friend is playing on.

Taps his foot, waiting for Coldpaws to get a tail. :eyes:

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You, Cur, are a smart wolf.

(I feel oddly bad using your name… )