Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I’m not misunderstanding anything, my guy lmfao

Do I have to also include like every single minutia of context to be clear?

bruh I literally never said they couldn’t have it nor did I disagree with the option of it ever becoming a reality lol

chill bruh its a tail on a pixelated dog

Have… have you seen a wolf in real life???


Only if I can get a tail too.

best not to feed the trolls.
Yea not being able to play my way has pretty much summed up this expansion for me.

I got all my money riding on tails soon because WoW just feels to meh atm for me.


are you one of Lore’s many alts?

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The tail isn’t why I’m not “chill” bruh.

Weirder but sure why not?

Though that should be requested in a regular human thread if you want that seriously.

Ain’t it just?

Things looked so good until they launched…

At this point my bar is so low I just want a skip for the SLs intro…

As a person who decided to level 7 classes to 60…I agree we need a skip

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Then idk, my guy.

Not sure what you’re malding about then.


I already said I don’t care about what race gets what customization, they just use whatever from the lore to justify that it can’t be done.

Why are these tail threads so consistently toxic?


I believe it’s because, for whatever reason, there are people who are adamantly against worgen getting tails because it “goes against lore.” Then the people in here who want tails respond with their reasons why it’s not a big deal and lore shouldn’t matter so much and they just want more customization options for the race they play. But the anti-tail person doesn’t listen and digs their heels into the “against lore” argument, and then both sides just go round and round in circles, not listening to the other, making the same points over and over again and no one gets anywhere and nothing is accomplished.

It gets pretty tiring, tbh.


If anything it’ll add in to the whole vibe in its own way. Tails usually play a big part in showing emotion, especially a wolf/dog tail. Plus wolf tails aren’t big fluffy and cute tails like Vulperas. They’re more thinner in order to easily move around and show that emotion. If they’re happy, sure they’ll wag around a bit and probably knock over a few plates in the process, but if they’re angry or in a serious mood, which is often times in WoW where you are constantly on alert out in the world, that tail just goes in a complete stand still and perks up in a aggressive position.

Sadly I’m a worgen loyalist, or even weirder, a one character loyalist. Have played this character and only this character since wrath. Heck I deleted my original warrior from vanilla in order to make this dk and only played this dk since. :smiley:
Honestly the fact that I only play this one worgen is probably the reason why I’m so adamant myself on worgens getting more customizations, unique ones at that such as a tail and gothic/gilnean type jewelry. You spend all your time playing wow, and while Blizzard gives you just a fur option(which is literally the one single option I got in shadowlands as a worgen dk) and then look over and see orcs/taurens/and even goblins who came out and got updated at the same time as you get a extreme amount of customizations, you kinda just sit there and wonder why they decide to give those races more options. Hell Blood elves is the most popular race on the horde if I recall, and that got the least amount of new stuff on the horde side of things when it comes to the core races.

Long story short, the dream is to one day have as many customization options that a orc has as a worgen, who currently have the least options outside of allied races.


ppl using ‘the lore’ argument need to get a life

its fine that ppl who actually play worgen may not want tails but the rest are just trolls


And that’s why we want the tail to be optional we don’t want to force a tail on Worgen players who don’t want it. The idea being that its an optional look that would make 1 Worgen stand out from another if one used the option and the other did not.

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now i have tail envy

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I want a tail to swish all my stardust around. What? I’m an astral form boom druid. I have stars raining around me 24/7/365, double on christmas because everyone keeps bugging me for free tree decorations.


It doesn’t seem like one sided antagonism from my perusing of this thread. It kinda seems like the people who wants tails are just as bad.


Not true most who want the tail want it to be optional so people can choose if they personally want it or not. The it “goes against the lore” people still to this day have never once pointed out in said lore where it says… “And the curse said Let there be no tail upon a Worgen, and it was so… And there was much rejoicing, then they ate Robins minstrels.” Lore in WoW is always in a state of flux and can be changed on a whim anyone who has played the game for any amount of time knows this. The original concept for Worgen had a tail but Blizzard ran out of time in Cataclysm and we ended up with a slap together at the last minute in panic model that was terrible for 10 years, both in its looks and in the way the animations made the model tear and distort. Blizzard finally fixed it and now you are seeing more Worgen players out there so why not ask for more to be done to the model. No one went around demanding that Orc’s not be able to stand upright or have brown skin as in Lore they were all hunched over and green skinned due to drinking demon blood. As Garrosh said times change and there is no reason that Worgen can’t change as well.


Not sure where you’re drawing that from. The people in this thread are just reacting and correcting and some others are refusing to simply admit they were wrong whether out of trolling, being just that hard-headed, or their internet ego has gone full Vegeta.

Overall we’re a reasonable lot and simply just want more customization options. It’s not an unreasonable request and makes sense from a biological standpoint as well as an asthetic standpoint.


Literally what I thought of.

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My take on that. Sure pay attention to the tail while my fangs rip chunks out of you.

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