Give void elves/dwarves the ability to customize their racials

Alliance are getting the skin tones. That is quite enough already. Silvermoon and paladins are staying Horde only.

To be fair they haven’t really got it yet. As of right now they do not have blonde hair as an option even when SL launches. They were given skin but not hair of BEs. We will see if they get some form of blonde hair in the future I suppose.

OP, think it like this way. You are a High Elf using void powers.

Just like human paladins who worships the light won’t magically turn into Lightforge Draenei or Draenei themselves.

The void power is for our own benefit.

I’d roll that. Blue skin fire red beards with red tentacles. I’m in.

Alliance getting more in no way effects your immersion or game play. Your faction identity is bad guy.



In a way Blizzard did. Some still aren’t happy, but the vast majority should be.

She looked at the Blood Elves and said that of all the elves she thought they would understand the choice she made to save her people. That instead we ally with misfits and monsters.

She didn’t say we were a disgrace and not worthy. If anything she looked at Blood Elves in high regard and was disgusted we sided with the Horde.

Actually bloodelves have been losing their identity as desperate mana-vampires for years, and basically just turned into humans. You may aswell be an alliance race at this point.

High elves have always been on the alliance and have consistantly showed up as rivals for the blood elves in every expansion. Nothing has changed, they are just being playable. It dosen’t change the story or your experiance in any way atall.

You’re legit just being spiteful, like a child crying that his chocolate dosen’t taste as good because another kid also got some chocolate.

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Eh no thanks. Only the lesser undead I command are cannibals. :wink:

Oh. Thank you for telling me how I feel about something I enjoy. Should I start finding out what you enjoy and tell you how I feel you should feel about it?

So we are resorting to simple spelling mistakes now? Really, you got the message, that is more important.

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You’re right. I think the compromise is perfect as it is. Or as good as it can be without actually giving the race out to someone.

Why bother changing the names of abilities if they are still doing the same thing?

This is a strong “no” from me.

Sorry. You are a void elf. Deal with it.

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Might as well ask why we have glyphs at all. Because it is fun/this is an rpg and people like to customize their races.

Elisande: “Each of you has digraced your proud lineage”

Sure, she thought really highly of you.

You already are doing that.

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Yet you are not asking for void elf customization.

You are asking to change your race.


Now you’re just being ignorant and trying to assess a state of mind to make your point seem 100% valid and make me look like a bad guy.