Give void elves/dwarves the ability to customize their racials

Looks like the proc to me.


They are VOID Elves. Not HIGH Elves.
Blizz is simply giving a grey area where you can be a High Elf wayfarer that also dabbles in the Void. But you’re still considered a Void Elf that is going to get Void Elf lore. So stop trying to change them to fit High Elf lore.


The lame race player is right. Blood Elves are red side humans and Void Elves are blue side Blood Elves.
We’re all tax attorneys.

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Ma’am, we’ve noted a discrepancy on your tax returns and are conducting an audit.


Pardon? Im not lame!
I’m Hawkens

Silence, caucasian Void Elf.

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Their eyes changed due to being around fel crystals, that is all that changed. Their eyes have been cleansed and can go to golden and soon blue. It makes sense. The Fel Elves you’re thinking of are Felblood Elves. You can find them in TBC zones.

Blood Elves are still High Elves. I understand they aren’t the other High Elves, but in the end they are the same people.

If I marry someone and take their last name, then as my lifestyle changes and my body changes because of it, I’m still the same person. So, as are the Blood Elves that renamed from High Elves.

Blizzard adding Void Elves stepped on faction identity because it was the exact same model, same pose, same twirl when they jump. Now, they are getting same skin options as well.

This is not me being greedy or a hateful anti-HE. I played this race, this toon since Feb 09 and I put a lot of time into it(695 days /played on this toon), the story, the faction. If Blood Elves were on Alliance when I first started I still wouldn’t have picked one because I prefer the Horde. What is happening is making me feel like I’m playing an Alliance themed toon now because it’s slowly being added more and more to that faction.


Because you were, the only reason the blood elves were ever given to the Horde is because population balance meant without them the Horde would die. Even know I’d say a good 50% are blood elves amoung Horde players.


Blizzard makes the Lore and they chose to write that High elves renamed and joined Horde, and they were added to Horde. There is a lot of lore and story to back up why they chose Horde. Yet, that is overlooked most of the time because it takes away the logic you need to have them on your side.


Blizzard also wrote lore that specifically stated high elves remained with the Alliance.


There is lore for horde side high elves, if not a very large population.

Maybe, but the majority has remain with the Alliance though thick and thin. I mean we have a goblin/s working for the Alliance, doesnt mean the goblins are suddenly an Alliance race!


That is true.

But there are horde high elves, and there are horde high elf customizations
soooo What’s good for void elves is good for blood elves, I say.

I dont particularly care if they rp as high elves returning to the Horde, hell with the lore we have I can rp as a blood elves rejoining the Alliance because they got so disgusted with the Horde.

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True, however they were a tiny amount. Almost ninety percent of the kingdom’s population of High Elves were killed by Arthas. So, out of the 10% that were left most renamed Blood Elves. So, lets say 1% remained neutral with Alliance. Now that 1% is joining with the void elves.

They were never playable, unlike the High Elves that went Horde. Faction identity. Something that is getting ruined slowly now.

I honestly wonder if these type of posts are trolls trying to get a rise out of BE players

You can’t make me!

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It’s hard to tell. I’m not one for calling anyone a troll unless it’s 100% obvious.

And yet even if some of that 1% joins the void elves, they are probably still more numerous than the void elves themselves, which is/was always just a small research group anyway.

Hell, lorewise they are still more than the pandaren that joined the Alliance/Horde combined considering both were just one SCHOOL of Pandarens.

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One more word and
 no more whispers for a week. :no_good_woman:t3:

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