Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Which in the context of continued customizations for VEs doesn’t entitle you to more of the BE main theme.

Dude, people are asking for void elf paladins and (unironic) access to Silvermoon.

People will never be satisfied. Get real.


You’re talking about World of Warcraft. Night Elves have been turned into Satyr’s and back again.

Literally only one, and that was done directly by Elune. Took a literal god in the WoW sense to undo it.

Void Elf paladins would be lit.

Silvermoon’s not gonna happen just on a gameplay mechanic level.

Also, you’ve got to look at the plurality of the request.

If thousands of people wanting to play High Elves want to have different colored hair and that seems like something they’re handing out it’s a far more likely request than a couple dudes who want Silvermoon to be Alliance side.

One is also far more logical and potentially possible than the other.

I don’t know that there is any reason to hyperventilate over odd requests from singular players. I’m sure there are people out there that want all the races to be my little pony characters or something.

There are people out there that want an entire Elven faction. I don’t see anybody hitting the fainting couch over it.

We’ve seen what the void does to people in game.

That one’s like a collar they can’t take off.


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You’re acting like that’s some strange event in a game where people eat dark naaru.

And how big is the BE player base that this request encroaches on?

Gotta work in the morning so I’m taking off.

Also would never happen.

Plurality doesnt matter though. There have been other class combos asked more than Velf pallies.

We have reached a point where divine intervention is a basically ‘yea okay whatever’ moment for a player


That horse actually neighs in Thalassian


Personally speaking (and only personally speaking, I’m not going to pretend we’re some sort of hivemind or anything), I don’t think that it’s necessarily a High Elf thing. I mean even the first version of Void Elves had examples of tentacle-less hairstyles. And, like Nightborne, I think the original colour palette was lacking.

Also I feel this post is relevant:


I think thats fine, but my issue aligns with the ideal of “Can we focus on something else than bloody high elves for two seconds?” I’d like more void-esque things for void elves to help round out that end of the barrel before adding more high elf things.


To which my answer is basically that it’s not an either/or kind of deal. Like…when Blizzard does do Void-Elf specific customisations and meshes, they can do both more and less voidy options.

In fact they should be having that conversation about an all-encompassing idea of how Void Elves are broadly presented at that point. That how a solid creative process should be handled - it shouldn’t be haphazard.

I’ve previously said that I feel like calling the less voidy options ‘High Elfy’ is a bit misleading in that…well, Void Elves already had options of hairstyles that had no voidiness or tentacles. And now they have skin tones that aren’t voidy.

They’re still Void Elves, though. In the same way Blood Elves now have dark skin tones and the internal justification is basically that Blood Elves always had those skin tones, it’s just that now there are game customisation options to reflect that diversity, the same can and should be said of Void Elf customisation options.

So basicall a ‘High Elfy’ Vid Elf is still a Void Elf. If a player chooses to RP a Void Elf that looks a lot like a High Elf as a High Elf, that’s fine. But at the same time the conversation you should seperate the conversation about, for example, Void Elf hair colours and styles, from any discussion of ‘It’s High Elfy so it’s good/bad’

Basically, would I like Void Elves to get some warmer hair tones like browns or red or blondes maybe? Sure, because I think contrasting tones and warmer tones work well, and I feel like the hair palette for Void Elves is too limited - in the same way that I think Nightborne and LFD should get broader and even contrasting palette colour choices to add visual interest and customisation options.

The fact that some people will use those options to play out their High Elf fantasy is…well, nice for them. Added bonus, really. But personally speaking I want those options because I think Void Elves would benefit from it.

And, having said that, I recognise that players are also concerned about Blood Elf visual distinction and identity, which, as I’ve said in previous posts, to me comes down to the fact that narratively they’ve been vague and generic since TBC and the Sunwell raid. So I think that Blood Elves also need some work, giving them more distinct and unique options, and narrative development to give them a more solid identity. And again, is it a bonus that Blood Elves have High Elf style options that allows them to play out that fantasy? Absolutely. But as far as Blood Elves go, there’s definitely work to be done.

So I guess that’s where I’m coming from in all of this. The High Elf stuff is a coincidental added bonus, but ultimately not the crux of the argument, which is that visual interest - by adding options that allow Void Elves to represent as both more and less Void-altered - is a benefit to Void Elves themselves.


Welcome to the anti side, apparently. We have cake. But you don’t care much for most sweets so we also have sushi.


High Elf Fans: To Blood Elves Looks aren’t important to identity.

Also High Elf Fans: I NEED Blood Elf looks for my hIgH eLf FaNtAsY.


Good, then he gets all the raw fish. The dulce de leche shall be monopolized by me. /Cackle


Turned out void elves can’t change size of their ears. I guess technology isn’t there yet

It’s always “we’re not a hive mind” but the second you have a differing opinion “You’re an anti” I guess many of us are antis at that point.