Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Treating us as family won’t score you natural hair colors as the void is unnatural.

Well, BE actually are getting purple eyes from VE/rift NPCs (as did VE) and I think some of the facial hair made it’s way over to BE as well? I’m seeing beards and mustache options that I remember from VE. So it’s been a bit fluid between both.

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grumbles grumbles… “so is the arcane” grumbles grumbles.

One eye color and 2 facial hair options that’s the same as a second visual theme that VEs got from BEs :roll_eyes: oh wait it’s not that’s disingenuous.

You’re downplaying the fact you’re VOID Elves and trying to do the “well it wasn’t new so we technically didn’t get anything” card which is disingenuous, you got a second visual theme that is a big deal.

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I mean the purple eyes thing was an NPC option, right? And then there was a bug in the beta, and the devs were like ‘actually, screw it, PC Blood Elves and Void Elves can have the purple eyes too.’

It wasn’t exactly an intentional, purpose-made player customisation, right?

Yes the purple eyes were a bug on NPCs in telerogus rift if I am not mistaken and they said both will be getting it. It wasn’t on BE NPCs though as far as I am aware.

At least the Arcane sanctum is on this realm.

All I’m saying is that from a dev standpoint, enabling a bunch of existing texture options from Blood Elves and giving them to Void Elves doesn’t necessarily equate to Void Elves getting any dedicated effort put into their customisation - it’s not the same as getting new meshes of hairstyle or jewelry options or anything like that, it’s more ‘while we’re here fiddling around with Blood Elves let’s enables some existing game textures for Void Elves too.’

Like I get that it bugs you that Void Elves can cosplay as High Elves now or whatever. That’s a valid point, you’re well within your rights to feel annoyed by that.

I’m just saying from a dev standpoint, it doesn’t eliminate the possibility of Void Elves getting more options down the line if blizzard decides to give Void Elves more dedicated, Void Elf specific options, rather than just the recycled Blood Elf textures they got for Shadowlands’ launch.


Can’t argue that lol.

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Even if you faction change it will not allow your kind back into the Blood Elves, that costs extra.

They can do both. Add more void customization and HE customization when the AR pass happens. Although, really dont see too much to make them more voidy personally. Their hair and skin already are void customization. Maybe some extra eye options. I’ve seen it mentioned.

good, people would choose cooler races like the tuaren or orcs then :stuck_out_tongue:

You may pick Blood Elf again but we care about our hair and that is where the extra costs comes in. We like to visit the barber weekly and some even daily.

hmmm…? bah I don’t want your greasy over hair sprayed hair :stuck_out_tongue:

I think even just calling them ‘HE options’ is disingenuous.

I mean there are already hair styles for the Void Elves which don’t have tentacles, so it’s not a requisite. But there are things they could do, like adding the void effect to certain locks of hair instead, rather than making them tentacles per se.

Something like an ombre effect hair colour that blends into purple could be an interesting look too.

And…it has to be said, but not all future options need to be ‘HE options’ (see my above disclaimer) or ‘VE options’. You can have both. Like…the overall selection of additional options could quite easily cover both bases.

The only real horse I have in this race is that I’d like to see a male hairstyle that a) didn’t have a suuuuuuper over the top widow’s peak and/or didn’t look so…wet.

Like the female waves of hair look nice but the male versions just look like they’ve gone swimming and haven’t dried off yet.


Stop trying to wash them off so they can fit your fantasy.


Stop denying others because you dislike what people have been requesting.


I like you, creative with your ideas.

What do you think of shadowy hairstyles like they emit a void gas off the edges of the hair.

I believe there is possible options to allow people to have both the Alliance High Elf fantasy and the Void Elf fantasy within the Void Elves.

Requesting for both is always good too.

Because when you think about it, the original Void Elves, which are Umbric and his followers, were only transformed from Void Etherals. The new recruits, which would be the High Elf Wayfarers and the Silvermoon Scholars, wouldn’t be transformed by the Void Etherals to transform out of there original look. So, they can still have there original looks, to how they are as they are studying the void.