Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Which is good and dandy, but remember, we have to fight for our requests, unfortunately we have extremely loud critics lol

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Depends on the look. certain effects emitters can look odd in games, especially like…gas stuff. It’d probably require a lot of work for an underwhelming payoff, if I’m honest.

If I had to request some sort of major change, it’d be to allow us to pick the void elf ‘effect’ option colour on the tentacle bits, so that we could choose a different colour (or disable it). Think of it like a secondary hair colour option.

Honestly I don’t even go this far. I use the logic that is being applied to all other races in regards to their new options - those options canonically always existed, it’s just that only now are they represented ingame.

Cool idea, but I’d probrobly not use it if it had weird tentacle colors tbh. When I was readin that I was imagining pink ones. yeesh. What colors do you think would be acceptable with that idea?

I actually just had the idea to link the Entropic Embrace texture colour to it. So you could have a really deep purple effect on the hair tentacles like Entropic Embrace, which whenever that proc’d, you’d turn that colour, or you could have faint, semi-transparent textures like a faint blue effect, and then when EE proc’d, you’d get that texture effect overlay instead of the deep purple.

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Have you know this is rose scented wax melted then blowdry on high setting 6 for 14 mins.

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what? your hair is made from wax? Are you a kabold now?

Interesting idea, as long as it remains void aesthetic I can get behind that.

Seeing how you lost your ability to distinguish great hair protection while leveling, I am going to go ahead and agree with the thread title and say that Yes Void Demons do deserves natural hair colors… of blue’s and purples with lighter tones from that spectrum.

Oh who do you think steals their candles?

Every hairstyle is specific to VE and the void either by the way it’s done up (like windows peak), the texture (definitely not just hair), or the addition of tentacles from what I remember. I dont think you could just recolor them all red and it would look natural. Maybe the ponytail if it didn’t have the… Thing flopping around in the back, but I’d have to actually see if they physically changed it. Many have noted that they look greasy or wet, so I dont think it’s just me.

I said both XD. Void for void lovers. No void for HE lovers.

I disagree, but that’s my personal opinion.

Sure. I dont care what they add for void the more the merrier. I know what my personal tastes are and what I want, others have what they want and that’s fine as long as everyone can ask for what they want.


Oh, 100%. If I was going down that route, I’d be wanting to ensure that the Void effect remained recognizably…voidy, like using the EE void shader and the like. So the tones would be on the indigo-violet spectrum.

But it’d be a fun and unique, Void Elf specific layer of customisation.

The RP tools already in place are a huge deal. Two fantasies in one race when the parent core race has only one visual fantasy to appeal to and now the AR infringes on that I think is important to hold the uniqueness going forward on that account alone.

I guess you’d have to fit in with the horde somehow… I guess ear wax hair works.

I’ve been on the side that VE could use more wintery/cooler color hair colors rather then summery/warm colors that BE has. Of course BE’s hair isn’t all summery but it’s just a gist of it.

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Yeah it would be. It’s also answer some people’s demand for the racial to be customizable (though most is requesting it to look arcanish and I disagree with that)

Fresh ear wax is the best material to create candles with and Kobolds make the best candles.

We use it and we boil in bloodthistle which is where we refer to as roses due to its shape.

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So, I think part of the problem is the fact that Blood Elves are fairly poorly defined now in WoW lore.

Like, sure, back in TBC they had hints of Fel flavouring, and toying with demonology, and generally being a bit edgier than the Wc3 High Elves, which were pretty bland and vague.

But that only lasted for TBC. I mean even by the end you had the Sunwell raid undoing anythign even remotely interesting, like for example Paladins needing to suck on a Naaru - a highly questionable act that was, because of its questionable morality, intensely interesting for a race of Elves, who are generally depicted as…well, kind of elitists with superiority complexes.

Quel’Thalas is an interesting zone because a lot of the quests are about the Blood Elves struggling with their civilisation being cast down and permanently scarred by conflict.

But beyond TBC, Blood Elves are…kind of generic now. They’re magic users and rangers with a vaguely Warhammer aesthetic of fire and phoenixes and lots of golds and reds. But the interesting aspects of their lore - the hints of toying with Fel, or being at least influenced by it, or their city being heavily policed with golems shouting about keeping the peace and maintaining order and secreting away dissidents - all of that doesn’t exist anymore.

And instead you get them being haughty tourist in Zandalar.

So I’d like to see Blood Elves get a narrative that pulls them out of stagnancy again, and some customisation options to suit.


I think the idea of bringing back the felsworn into there fold again after seeing the void elves alliance to try to weaponize them against the VE could be a way to do it :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe next expansion both Blood Elves and Void Elves can get along.

Nah, if there is no horde, I’d have no point in screaming for the alliance and waving swords at orcs.

It might be a bit late for the Felsworn to be a thing again, but Elves believing they can control magics that are way beyond them is a recurring theme, so you could plausibly see some of the magisters being like ‘well Kael’Thas and his people got addicted to Fel, but that totally won’t happen to us because we’ve learned so much from then,’ resulting in a slower, but steady shift towards Quel’Thalas embracing those questionable kinds of magic again, and the potential divide between the magisters and the Blood Knights as a result.

I mean especially now with Nightborne very much filling the ‘mage’ niche, it would be cool to see Blood Elves being more of a warlock race rather than a mage race, if that makes sense.

Like I will completely own that I would be perfectly happy for Blood Elves to go back to being TBC Fel-loving, demon summoning, Naaru-sucking edgelords, lol >.>

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