Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Another agree i refuse to play the horde. Blood elf should have been alliance not void elf.

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No No No!!

I would love more hair colors and different Hair styles. Please :slight_smile:


Hm… No what?

Yup, got to really hide those bad bits from the void, hm?

Void demon gave up their former self.

/(and by extension, of the void elves) was added in as if it was just a foot note.
Only Demon can understand your kind now!

It most certainly would.

They are still thalassians. Ethnicty doesn’t have anything to with magic. It’s cultural idendity. They still speak thalassian as their mother tongue, they have thalassian culture reflected in their tastes, cloth and etc. They are just a radical branch of that society.

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It has to be noted that they’re racially distinct, however. Blood elves are just high elves who are loyal to the Kingdom of Quel’thalas, void elves have purple blood and tentacles.


Void Elves don’t remember the Sunwell, they tell others that “they’re so over it.”

These are dark times indeed.

can they get white hair?

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I’m no expert, but did Void Elves get anything in shadowlands yet that wasn’t just an existing texture?

Like all of the stuff of blood elf skin textures and the blue eyes is all just…options that either already existed or was being made for blood elf purposes that blizzard figured ‘well, while we’re here, we’ll make them available for void elves too.’

Like it’s not like void elves got new meshes or anything made specifically for them, right? Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong of course.

But, if that’s the case, then it’s conceivable that more dedicated void elf customisations (like the other allied races have been slated to get according to Blizzard, and Green Jesus knows they need it looks at Nightborne) are still planned at some point.


Sure. Just like fel orcs and normal orcs, or draenei and lightforged draenei. They have different magical properties and different ideologies. A race can have many different branches, but still have the some aspects of their mother culture.

Oh, please. Get over it. Who needs the light? It’s so much more fun in the dark.


Says the Elf Demon who was transformed by a cosmic force known to induce madness!

…and you don’t see anything wrong with that, don’t you?

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You’re so rude … I almost like you

“I had little patience to begin with!”

I mean…it’s a thing that they did. I don’t really ascribe any moral worth to it.

Yes some new wonderful Void based hair colors and styles would be swell.

Once the AR races get a pass. Hopefully with Belfs getting something of substance first too.

Embrace the void sister.

So many doors could be open to you…

A stark unnatural white and a Deep Void unnatural black would be swell additions to the Void Elves.


This does not help anything. Stop being spiteful, and look to the now and the future.

Like lfd model toggles… and forsaken too of course.