Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You are right, they were never stopped, they went full on to be Blood elves.

By respecting those who died. Sure that changed what they are :roll_eyes:

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It did. Wether you like it or not, or else Blizzard wouldn’t have written the rift between them and actual High elves. Also by living surrounded by fel which in every instance in the lore changes your body forever wether their eyes are still green or not.


Y’all really want to drive me to alcoholism with yer nonsense, don’t you?

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It’s hyperbole in some cases, to be sure, but there is an egregious number of Horde players that genuinely dislike that they were added to the Horde.

A group of people becoming integrated into a broader society, or becoming essential to a broader society, isn’t the same thing as being an an aesthetic fixture.

You’re conflating actual value, with aesthetic value – which is specifically what I mentioned. :woman_shrugging:

This doesn’t invalidate anything I said. :man_shrugging:

I didn’t comment on why it was controversial, only that it was controversial. You’re arguing with yourself here.

I didn’t suggest they remove a single thing from players, so this is a peculiar sentiment for you to express. :man_shrugging:


To the kind that preferred the Alliance, at the time of the announcement. Is this a serious question?

I didn’t invalidate them, and in fact actually quite like the current BE trajectory – but to suggest that BE’s represent an aesthetic pillar of the Horde is, well, lunacy.


You are the one being nonsensical. Your standards are so double you are probably already drunk and seeing more than one thing.


I know. The whole thing of the void elves, with their limited lore, are void infused blueberries. It’s just sad to me that probably every void elf basically won’t be a void elf.

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Void elves could get a few of the human or dwarf hair colors/hairstyles, that way no one has to feel like anything is being taken from blood elves.

Why people argue against adding customizations is beyond me…I’m sure everyone has their own personal desires on what to add, doesn’t mean you have to put down others who don’t want what you want.


My 2 cents on the subject, though I enjoy customization being opened up for all races, there are some things that need to still be separated per race. To maintain that races Identity. The Skin color of Void Elves and Blood Elves is fine let’s leave it at that.

I would always play a void elf. High elves and blood elves are gross.
I can still argue in favor of high elves because it does feel like a big dumb NPC thing in the middle of gameplay that should be in players’ hands.

I want Velves to get that deep pink hair colour Nelves have. It looks terrible on nelves but would make a lot of sense and look great on velves.

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I feel we are too far from playable he now. But I do feel that it can be balanced out by model Toggling lfd and maybe some half elf options for humans(this one feels too gray for my taste though.)

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I feel it was never possible if being truthful but now with void elf just give them white hair and paladins and the fantasy is filled.

No VE paladins for you because ‘something something’ lore breaking ‘something already explained to you’ reason!


No one should be calling each other names here or making personal attacks at all.

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And suggesting otherwise is simply false and completely reliant on people who perpetuate falsely I might add entitlement to the race on Alliance.

Oh they’re having a go at night elves now!

How is that sad? Void elves were a terrible idea and completely unnecessary to begin with.

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The HE community says the same thing about BEs and the placement that put them Horde, and VEs, and it comes down to the fact you didn’t get the good / normal elves on the faction you feel entitled to on. It shows when you and others have argued or tried to invalidate BEs and it shows again when you do the same thing to VEs. This isn’t Tolkein thank goodness, point blank period and what’s more is BE fans have a huge player base and people have experienced the game for the first time knowing where BEs belong with not a thought to spare about WC2, and now they will experience the game with VEs.


There is nothing natural about the void.