Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I don’t really understand at all. I’m not superficial in the slightest, we just disagree with what is morally acceptable within the game. You are actively supporting and defending a community that is asking for Blood Elves on Alliance to fit your RP narrative, but you don’t want to play a Blood elf because Horde big bad people. Your narrative doesn’t apply to Void elves either as you stated, so why bother whining about Blood elf/High elf esque customizations? You are actively wanting something that is already in the game, but to be skewed in your fashion. Which Blizzard already disagrees with, hence Void Elves being Void Elves and not being High Elves. High Elves are Blood Elves. Your specific RP narrative is irrelevant.


However, Void Elves are Blood Elves. So if High Elves are Blood Elves they are also Void Elves.


Back at blizzcon humans were announced to get diversity options with new skin tones. Later it made sense when dwarves and gnomes got it due all being constructs that came from the same place. This was an alliance -only thing.

Then Blood elves who never had diverse skin tones in lore suddenly got them, giving the horde the diversity bonus as well.

So the first race to take something from the other faction was Blood elves.

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Oh thank you for the clarification. I suppose you’re not wrong.

To be honest, I personally don’t think they are High elves either, just trying to fuel their fantasy. High elves are not a playable race in the game, but Blood elf is possibly the closet thing they can get to being one. Blood elf, High elf, Void elf, are all their own unique thing. So quit trying to turn Void elves into something they are not, thanks.

No need to be so aggressive. Also, I was just pointing out an error in your logic.

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That’s pretty uncalled for, especially for the OP you’re responding to.


It wasn’t directed at you personally, more so the people that make the same threads every day. But ill edit it and change it.

Then I should point out the error in yours, since Void Elves are no longer Blood Elves. See: Their introductory scenario.

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Ok. Than Blood Elves are not High Elves.


But void elves aren’t natural to begin with

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If Blood elves would have been stopped mid transformation, then you’d have something.

Alas, that’s not the case.


Blood Elves weren’t near turned into Ethereals. Please :rofl: gotta try better than that.


We were so close :sob:


I can make my Void Elf look just like a Blood Elf. So, there is that.

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I dont think what he is saying is incorrect, but Horde players are also not demanding High elves. Blood elves are a mutation of High elves, Void elves are a mutation of Blood elves, aka evolution happened and now each race is unique.

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Nope you really cant. I dont remember my blood elf having tentacles in her hair, or having blue or purple hair either.

Oh can you? What is do tell the title of the OP then? Begging for more for their secondary visual theme when BEs have only the one which also is infringed on by the very continued requests that pushes this even further skewed in your favor, and does a disservice to both VE fans and BE fans.

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Just because you want to try to hide what they actually are, doesn’t change what they are.

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