Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You mean the NE models with the glued up face of a blood elf on it?

Or the ones that were, as I mentioned, blood elves with blue underwear?

The human one was usually used for half elves, though.

You are very trigger happy when it comes to dismissing anything you don’t agree with as a troll response, hm?

That is literally what I’ve seen floating on HE threads, and the different pose didn’t do anything to even make them look remotely different, it felt like a poor jab at NB all things considered and even they look more different than any of the mock ups I’ve seen.

Ok, after dinner I’ll actually go digging. I’m looking forward to see the hoops you’ll jump through to justify them as “not serious” or “trolling”.


Indeed, and this is what we do. That doesn’t mean we’re committing crimes by asking for more RP opportunities. Void Elves will always have their Void Elf qualifications. You will always be able to be a Void Elf.

I’m going to be honest, I can’t even really play Void Elves. The racial ability that triggers basically every fight annoys the heck out of me. I hate going all “void form.” It’s not even that it’s not on-point in terms of theme, but it has this shiny reflective “plastic wrap” appearance that I can’t stand. It’s hideous.


To be clear I’d be happy with the customization options that we have now if our racial ability was an activated ability instead of a triggered ability. I’d take the 0.7% DPS loss and just never activate it, never enter void form, and finally be able to RP a High Elf.

This very thing you hate is what makes Void Elves, Void Elves. You aren’t committing crimes, but its sure as hell whining and demanding something that goes against the core concept of the race. I have nothing against people asking for customization options, however when it puts an entire different race at risk from being unique, yeah its a bit silly. Again, I literally saw a post trying to mental gymnastic people into thinking paladins would be a good class for Void Elves. This communities desperation knows no bounds. You didn’t get High Elves, that’s the reality of it and you more than likely wont.


I say it how I see it, this is a troll response, you know what they mean by models.

Fan made ones isn’t going to have high quality, what do you expect profession grade work? Obviously if blizz made seperate models they would look vastly different.


You not liking it doesn’t make it a troll response. I also say it how I see it.

Except that I didn’t attack their quality, I don’t expect someone to whip out a blender model of a freshly modeled HE.

But when even using the limited tools available, their choice it’s to go for blood elves, it’s very telling.


Void Elves are much better, but apparently better is not good enough, generic is where it’s at.


I stated it was a troll response because you knew what they meant and you purposely took it out of context to try to get the poster angry.


Not really, not the ones I saw but ok, what ever floats your boat.

I knew what they meant and replied in kind because that’s exactly what I’ve seen with my own two eyes.

It seems your sight it’s quite selective.


Gimme the perma EE look Blizzard you cowards :japanese_goblin:


Yes please.

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God BEs/VEs look so damn good with the shaved head look.

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I know! I didn’t realize how much I wanted it until I accidentally randomed this guy into existence.

I needed this.


And the ear length options, while we’re at it!

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Yes this is why i choose bald. To hide void corruptions until blizzard cave again and give the long awaited Vereesa white hair color.

I do not feel that people who actually think about their arguments, and present them in such a way as to be readable, approachable, and logical, are “whining.” I’m also not “demanding” because… well I can’t “demand” anything, now, can I? I can simply ask, and it’ll happen or not.

I have no particular feelings about racial “uniqueness.” I’m not sold that it’s necessary, in terms of visuals, to matter. So long as the story, narrative, and lore, of that race are unique that’s enough. I’m just not fussed if two races look the same but have differently stories.

Call me crazy, I guess. It’s almost like people from different parts of a country can be totally different ethnic groups. That’d be crazy, too.

No, this would make no sense. That said it wouldn’t make much sense for High Elves, either, but that’s neither here nor there. They were exceptionally rare in the lore for High Elves, who traditionally didn’t even have a warrior class to start.

I’m aware of this. I really am.

I’m going to sound the bell, where it makes sense to sound it (I’m not creating new threads, I’m simply adding an opinion in a thread that makes sense to add it to), when I feel like it’s appropriate.

I’m not going to burn down the ground behind me as I walk out. I’m not going to shake the walls until it all tumbles down. I’m not going to lie and say that I’ll quit if I don’t get what I want (which would be childish). I’m just going to say what I want, evenly metered, with the same calm logic that I always have.

Blood Elves might be genetically High Elves, but they do not share the same story. I reject their story and ask for the story I want. It exists, the only blockade is opening it up to players.


How is it different than Void Elves getting the customization you want then? You will actively reject Blood Elves, but wont reject Void Elves which have an entire different story in their own right, albeit not as rich. I am not understanding your point of view, it doesn’t make sense to me. It just sounds like you want something that you wont get. No offense.

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Wait wait wait… What? This is the first I am hearing this, and doesnt add up.

This is sort of two fold.

On the one hand I reject Blood Elves. They’re not Alliance and that’s basically the beginning and the end of that. There’s all sorts of additional things going on but they’re not even the faction I want to play.

On the other hand Void Elves are even worse than Blood Elves, in terms of wanting High Elves. I’ve been saddled with something even further from the fantasy I wanted. It’s not about the looks, as such, and about the lore.

That’s because you’re superficial. All you care about is how the race looks. Every argument you’ve had is about how it looks. You do not appear to have ever honored that there are lore differences. You do not appear to have ever honored that there are political differences.

The only thing you seem to care about is that the factions can’t share an appearance (despite that already existing). So… I’m sorry but I don’t think you get it. I think you willfully don’t get it because you don’t want Alliance to have it.

I don’t think you’re opposed to Alliance High Elves on a logical lore level. I think you’re opposed to it because you don’t like the idea of it. That’s fine but emotions are not facts.