Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

In this scenario it’s a spec. Any mage would have access.

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No one wants Blood Elves on the Alliance. Or, at least, no one that I’ve ever heard actually saying that. They want High Elves. From Dalaran. Who never returned to Quel’thalas and stayed allied with the Alliance.

None of this “Blood Elves are High Elves” crap either. Blood Elves are a group of High Elves, they’re not the only ones. They have their own political identity that is distinct from the High Elves that Alliance players want to play. They have their own lore from the past 13 years that is not the story Alliance players want to embody.

The French are Human and the Egyptians are Human, but that doesn’t mean that they’re the same group of people. We want a very specific group of Thalassian Elves, and Blood Elves are not them, nor do they satisfy that fantasy in any meaningful way to us.


I’ve seen a lot of people flat out argue against factions with the sole intent of breaking the faction barrier to “achieve instant HEs” which both proves the point that the “lore” argument by a great many is flimsy at best, and also it proves a great many do know BEs are HEs.


Just because you are using mental gymnastics and specific wording to get around it, doesn’t mean you aren’t asking for it. Alliance players asking for Blood Elf themed skin tones, hair colors and the like are absolutely asking for Blood Elves. Void Elves are not High Elves, Void Elves are spacey blue boys with tentacle hair. Truth.


Just making a statement, players do not want the faction boundary gone for “instant high elves”. They want it gone because they feel that barrier feels pointless because at the end if each exam we join up story wise to fight anyways or for easier group access. I can see your scenario be suggested, but very rare or as a troll post.

This all I have to say and will not answer your return excuse.


This has never been in question. Not once, at any point, has this ever been in question.

Stop pretending that we don’t know this and that we aren’t asking for something politically different. It’s a different fantasy even if it uses the same visuals.

There are no gymnastics but your own. Alliance players want to play High Elves with the fantasy that they had in WC3. Blood Elves are not that fantasy and never have been.

Looks = \ = Fantasy.

We don’t want Blood Elves. We don’t want fel drinkers. We don’t want the whole “rise of a nation” story arc that Blood Elves went through. I do not ever want Blood Elves on the Alliance as a political agent; ever.

Edit: == needed spacing to make it “does not equal” as opposed to “equals twice.”


Not to mention before VE came out we even asked for a model edit to make them have a different appearance too.


Unfortunately for you, High Elves are not a playable race. But your best bet is go ahead and play Horde because most High Elves are now indeed Blood Elves. They have everything you are asking for. Ion even stated this himself. They have normal hair, blue eyes, normal hair color etc. Stop asking for Blood Elves please, they already exist.


The VE ship has really already sailed, that is their main theme and Blizzard has compromised yet again by bringing them RP tools it’s beyond ridiculous at this point to thankfully not just myself.

That encroaches on the player base that has already chosen BEs for the past how many years now?

VEs were a compromise, this has been another skewed in your favor compromise, and yes at some point you have to accept Blizzard taking into account the BE player base too, and after two compromises which got you the model and RP tools which infringe heavily on BEs I think it is okay for you to not get your way yet again.

Nope, the thing people asked has always been high elves. People have requested different models for high elves but alas, since blizzard put void elves with the same model as blood elves, players aren’t responsible for Blizzard’s laziness.

Also “blood elf themed”? blood elves already got human skintones that they never had in lore , so the horde stole something first.

How does it affect the BE playerbase? real question. Is not like anyone is asking belfs to lose stuff.


It’s funny how that works, hm? Because I’ve seen the exact same thing suggested quite seriously and specially, repeatedly.

Yeah, wouldn’t be nice have your view tainted by the entitlement displayed over and over again for years.

Are you being vague when it comes to those models edits because you do know that these “edits” were essentially even more of a copy/paste?




it definitely affects people. They want their race to be unique, which Void Elves nearly stole from them. At least they managed to make them somewhat unique despite this community’s attempt to blur the line between the two. its insulting to me and I don’t even main Blood Elf. You are not getting High Elves, plain and simple. They dont exist as playable races, and never will. However, Blood Elves have plenty of the things you are asking for.

link me one, then we can talk.

The fan ones? The ones that uses either a ne model edited or human model edited?

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“Different model”.

Which was basically blood elves with blue undies and blue tattoos.

Sure, different models.

For anything to be stolen it would have need to belong to you in the first place. WC3 says they didn’t.

Oh hey, this disingenuous argument again.


Which probably explains why people have been asking for it for a very, very, long time.

I’m happy with the story that Blood Elves have, but it’s not the story I want to play. It simply isn’t going to satisfy the fantasy that I want to play. This is true of a great many people, as indicated by the continued requests.

They do not. You’re still thinking strictly in terms of appearance, and that’s fine if that’s how it is for you but it’s not for me.

What you see is that we got Void Elves, a model that should satisfy us. Our repeated demands to make this more “High Elven” are just us stealing Blood Elves because we want to be pale skinned, blue eyed, and blonde haired.

What we see is that we wanted High Elves, and got something that is honestly the opposite of what we wanted. We wanted the noble, self-restrained, political ideology of the High Elves that worked with the Alliance. We wanted a group that had chosen to suffer and abstain from draining magic, as opposed to vampirism and demonic energy. Yes it would have looked like Blood Elves, but the story was the most important part (read: we’ve even said that we’d be OK with model edits so they’re not identical to Blood Elves).

Instead what we got was a race that lusted for power even more than the Blood Elves. Who delved even deeper into the dark than Blood Elves. A race who became so fundamentally about power and the end result that they became warped by the very thing they were tangling with. This is literally the opposite of what I wanted, both in appearance and in fantasy.

Two facts:

  1. High Elves exist in the lore separate from Blood Elves as a political entity.
  2. I’m asking for that group.


  1. I’m not asking for Blood Elves, people are just getting possessive because of appearances and refusing to consider the actual story and world setting.

Blood Elves currently hold the theme of generic elf. More specifically, they have generic Thalassian elf. More non Void options brings Void Elves closer to that theme. BEs don’t have two visual themes like Void Elves do so yes it encroaches on BE players race they chose for the last 10+ years to play.

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this is a troll response, when one refers to models, they mean different bones/stance/weight.


Many people in the RP community have to make compromises because of the limits within the game. How is this any different? High Elves are Blood Elves. Put on blue eyes and make up your own story. Done and done. Leave Void Elves alone please.


I don’t RP but it’s been pointed out before by others that do, how good of a RPer even is someone if they still can’t make do with the tools in place?