Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

And you think you’re entitled to this because of longevity of persistence? What about no this game took a different route you can play Blood Elves who are High Elves is difficult to understand? Not only that but they met you on a very skewed in your favor compromise which is more than half way, half way would be if they later just came out and said “The Wayfarers are becoming new Void Elves, enjoy” with no customization what so ever, yet they allowed the skin tones to be used now functioning as a secondary visual theme.

Why not add them all ? :sunglasses:

I could careless about white or blonde hair just give me black hair for my void elfs pls it’ll make the void hair pop n super sparkle .

Not bards, they have 0 history in wow lore and are not a class that fights in wars.

This isn’t about blood and high elves. The ship left already. Now we just want white hair for void elves.

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while ppl agree that ve isn’t what was asked, I seen no where that ppl us saying that they do not count. I do not see a basis for this argument other then a troll one, or even one started by a troll.

They don’t need nautral hair colors, however, they can get a better black and white hair. Their hair color looks faded and I’m not sure if that’s on purpose.

Their black is like a darker gray and their white is like a gray, mostly. The red is like a old watered down red and I guess only the blue and purple look strong.

Void Elves need more customization that sets them apart, not having them look like the Blood Elves. Blood Elves are just humans, and we have three of those in the Alliance.

4 if we count the culture and similarities with Dwarves.

Void Elves need their own culture and stuff, not a race of human with pointy ears that does the same things as Humans and Draenei, Light worship and magic.

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I’m a void elf. I’m on a blood elf now but I always play void elf.

No. The new customization they have given us ruins not just blood elves but void elves as well. Both races lose what makes them, them. You won’t see any classic void elves but every elf you see will be a knock off blood elf.

VEs are knock off BEs regardless. HEs arent though, so that’s nice if players can play the original elves if they want.

What does it matter if players play with the customization they want? That’s like being mad about seeing HM tauren instead of original tauren, or brown skinned orcs instead of green.


Yes. All I want is to have white hair like Vereesa who is the leader of the alliance high elf armies. With the most famous biggest the Silver Covenant. Just the skin tones without the hair colors is not a fair compromise or what we asked for.

She does lead the silver covenant, but I am not sure about other he armies you speak of. Only other army that has he’s i seen currently active is 7th leagion, and that is lead by wyrmbane.

Plus every brings up the fact that none of those wayfarers, in the rift, have anything remotely close to blonde hair…

They are uncorrupted studyers. So they could have platinum blonde hair color.

If they’re uncorrupted then they are not void elves and therefore unplayable.

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They would need to at least eat some void being to get the void powers, so to say they are not corrupted is silly no?

I meant that more as a joke… Poking fun at the requests helf pros make.

I do enjoy the idea of adding glyphs to make warrior abilities have a few more interesting avenues (void included)… But that’s glyphs not classes or such.

Mmm. I like you.

Ha, they wish.


Hmmm… would be nice as a spec for spell blades if they ever are playable lol.

I think Spellbreaker should be a tank spec for mages. Blood Elves and Nightborne obviously have them, and I would expect the Shen’dralar could also have some, it would be no matter of them having taught other members of the races they work with how to use and employ such effective powers.

If its to be a class I would imagine it would be one of the possible spec options for Warden. Helps to make it easier to put that class on both sides.

Also I think it would be neat if the Portal Guardians in Orgrimmar turned out to be Orc Spellbreakers.

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I have yet to take a good look at the hordes new portal room, I will have to take a look

There’s Night Elves and Void Elves too. Aren’t they spellbreaker material?