Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Exactly! But to take things further, and up a notch, I’d say, make a toggle option to have Tendrils, Braids, Both, or None At All.


No shadow effect hair or void fire?

What about Shadow Paladins. Wouldn’t it be cool to see Void Paladins if they were a thing.


Which would be more likely to be its own thing, as in class, under a different name and have nothing to do with actual Paladins


I’d rather they get an option to customize tentacles. Different stiles and so, one of the options would be “none”.

Yeah because if we go the route “belves are helves” then velves are belves so they should get all their stuff.

Keeping the more traditional stuff like braids, feathers and marks found on alliance characters, not only works better for void elves (emulating their leader, for keeping HE as a customization subrace and the general alliance elf feel) but allows Belves to keep their own identity like runes and sun jewelry and so without looking like an hypocrisy project and showing how their society evolved.

We know Velves were kind of their own separate caste within Silvermoon anyway (even having different accents!) so it makes sense they ignored the cultural change at large if they want to establish that.

New void class would be great, IMO it shouldn’t be paladin-like though. More a class based on psychic powers and gravity powers from the void. Opening portals, pushing people, affecting their minds etc…
With caster, ranged and healer specs.

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Mmm… Rift Blade. New class!

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Yeah because if we go the route “belves are helves” then velves are belves so they should get all their stuff.

Keeping the more traditional stuff like braids, feathers and marks found on alliance characters, not only works better for void elves (emulating their leader, for keeping HE as a customization subrace and the general alliance elf feel) but allows Belves to keep their own identity like runes and sun jewelry and so without looking like an hypocrisy project and showing how their society evolved.

We know Velves were kind of their own separate caste within Silvermoon anyway (even having different accents!) so it makes sense they ignored the cultural change at large if they want to establish that.

New void class would be great, IMO it shouldn’t be paladin-like though. More a class based on psychic powers and gravity powers from the void. Opening portals, pushing people, affecting their minds etc…
With caster, ranged and healer specs.


I was mostly kidding.

Rift blades are just void elf warriors, though a few glyphs to add void effects to warrior abilities would be neat.

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Hopefully we get class customization next time.

Can we also talk about the entitlement to favoritism with this lol, like for one we already have an Elf exclusive class for Night Elves and Blood Elves.

Assuming this Shadow Paladin idea revolves around the Void Elves lets just even assume it is open to more races. The fact that Void Elves have two visual themes, and that still is not enough for people they want an entire class to be invented centered around them? Then it begs the question will that even be enough? This is from people who are trying to overwrite the Void theme advocating for a Void class? Somehow I doubt that will satisfy them they will move to begging for a class skin to be a Paladin.

How does that saying go? “You give an inch, and they’ll take a mile”

You’re the embodiment of entitlement.

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Or at least some additional glyphs…

They have this whole system that could really enchance our characters… But they barely use it.

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Are you seriously thinking that people want a class that would only work on void elves? lol
Like why would that even be a thing. No one is saying anything similar.

It’s okay to want void stuff now that the void is not so taboo anymore and therefore makes sense to add new ways to use it.

It’s also okay to want more things for a race. People do that all the time. Somehow it’s only void elves fans who are entitled.

Idc about the hair colors I, care more about not every hairstyle being super emo or having tentacles lol


I wonder why.

I can see why.

No other race has such ties to the void.

What horde race or races would be likely to have a void oriented class?

Best I can think is Mag’har with the Shadowmoon clan.

And while you may not be aware of it, helf pros often push for a void paladin option as a way to get paladins for their high elves. It’s less about void elves and more just to push them aside for high elves.

Not saying that would be your interest, just that it is fairly common.

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if a ‘paladin’ in wow uses any magic other then light magic, then they are not a paladin.

This includes shadow magic.

sounds like fun.

I would play it.

For the record, my comment was more to do with a new class available to more than just void elves over a reskin of a class just so it can be available to void elves

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I get that and I know what you were saying in it would be it’s own thing. I was just going off of that in terms of I think Void Elves kind of don’t need a class made for them in terms of they are starting to seem catered to now on a customization front, and then add in this unique class which I don’t doubt will begin people asking for a class skin specifically to look like a Paladin.

It’ll move to “Come on Blizzard it’s almost just like a Paladin you’re almost there just give HE fans the full vision we want a class skin”

So even as it’s own entity I’m against them giving more time to Void Elves to have a special flavor class even if it’s intended just as a new class in general, if we go off the name “Rift Blade” like some above suggested it seems very heavily VE related the whole idea is hard not to see as that.

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