Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You don’t have to understand what makes someone else happy. People don’t have to justify why they enjoy something. That’s not how happiness works. Even if you find them bland, others can find them fun, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

This is demonstrably untrue. You know the words coming next: Silver Covenant. They are active. There’s nothing to suggest they aren’t. They were involved in Legion.

But also… Like “outliers”? The Void Elves were originally only the handful that joined Umbric. I mean, it couldn’t have been more than a hundred, and that’s a conservative guess.

Quel’dorei have to be excluded because they’re “outliers”, but not ren’dorei? If the ren’dorei have bolstered their numbers beyond those initially shown in the recruitment scenario, then those numbers likely came from uncorrupted elves. This suggests that there are ren’dorei that are not void-corrupted, because, again, the void-corruption was only because of the Ethereal attack, not just because they used void magic.

Hair color is a customization option, not a distinguishing factor of a faction or character race.

This is conflating High Elf the Alliance-aligned faction with High Elf the race. This is why I prefer to refer to the whole race as “Thalassians”, to avoid confusion. When people request High Elves, they’re requesting Alliance-aligned, uncorrupted Thalassians. Obviously, they aren’t asking to play “High Elf: The Race”, because they can already do that.

Several people have said, “So, it’s okay if hair is important to high elves, but not to blood elves?” To which I say, “So, it’s okay if faction isn’t important to high elves, but is to blood elves?”

Between faction and hair color, one is definitely more important to a group’s identity.


It’s barftastic how realistic and true this post really is. :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting: :face_vomiting:


No, the Void Elves’ literal faction leader is blue-eyed, fair-skinned, and fair-haired. We want to be able to look like Alleria. The lore supports Void Elves looking like her, because she was the very first. So, in actuality, we are caring about lore.

And on that same topic, I would love to be able to make an undead, Sylvanas-looking blood elf/Forsaken.


Forsaken model toggle! :wink:

Just dropping this here as I feel as it’s relevant to not only this thread in particular and others concerning this topic.

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.

This is as per the art director at Blizzard. I’ve highlighted the parts that I’d consider pertinent regarding any sort of High Elf options as well the prerogative to ask for said options.


In the context of Blood Elves, they are High Elves.

Providing a few RP options in the context of Void Elves isn’t giving them full access to the entire theme that is Blood Elves main theme.

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The takeaway from my post is that there’s definitely room to ask for more High Elf aesthetics for Void Elves.

Many are trying to be gracious in asking for them and regarding Blood Elves to a reasonable extent, but this ultimately supports our prerogative to ask.


I disagree, more customization later could very well be only Void oriented as the intent was to give “some” HE options, they did so by opening up a second visual theme which was a very big deal there is no indication anything other than more void options are coming.

And they have done almost nothing for Blood Elves in return for the loss of that exclusivity.

And really I’d rather see lore victories than customization victories, confirmed lore that wayfarers are becoming Void Elves and being effected by the Void is a bigger victory to fight for without further infringing on Blood Elves.


Yes, but the interview is regarding the High Elf aesthetic specifically, not the Void aspects. They also stated they’re willing and able to take the High Elf aesthetic further, and as Blood Elves already have the full aesthetic down, this would refer to the Void Elves.


Not really as they were referring to both Blood Elves and Void Elves but gave no indication both would get further HE customization in the future. It doesn’t make sense to keep infringing on Blood Elves.

It can be just as safe to assume only Void options are coming for Void Elves in the future.

And since Blood Elves are High Elves, our Farstrider tattoos etc would be more High Elf options in the works for us in line with our main and only visual theme.

Well said, if void elves were to receive normal hair colors, people would still be free to live out their personal void elf fantasy. This preoccupation over what others want to look like is odd.


I think we will get Vereesa blonde in 9.1.

She’s not a void elf. Shes a high elf using void magic.

The void elves were created during a ritual gone wrong when some ethereal prince tried to corrupt them and turn them into void beings.

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This was in regard to High Elf aesthetics specifically, which was stated as a plausible aesthetic for both races. They also stated verbatim that these were a few tools for now and that there’s a pretty decent chance of further representation for said options down the road.

Emboldening Blood Elf identity shouldn’t entail gate keeping super generic options.

While more Void options would definitely be welcome, that wasn’t the theme under discussion for said interview, so it’s unrelated to their response.

The art director said that they had the closest representation, but that they weren’t stated to be the sole, all encompassing representation of the High Elf race.

The only Thalassian npc to sport Farstrider tattoos is Alleria, who is an Alliance character. Not to say that both races shouldn’t get this option, but with only an Alliance npc shown with said tattoos, using this to reinforce exclusive Blood Elven themes is something of a slippery slope.

Well her hair is more of a silver than an actual blonde as it has something of a bluish tint, but nonetheless it would be a welcome option for the future.


Some things I wouldn’t mind for Void Elves:

Natural hair colors (Just hand wave it as more Void Elves getting better control of their Void powers like Alleria has.)
The Belf Ear options (This just makes sense, really. Also would make half-elves available on both sides)
Farstrider tattoos (This I want for both Velves and Belves, just makes sense, really.)
More Voidy options for those who want them. Tentacle hair, dark purple skin, etc. Just go full void on them.
More jewelry options.


IF you’re going to go with this concept you don’t have to hand wave it…

We all but have confirmation the Wayfarers and scholars are learning the way Alleria did. In which case you could argue they’d keep their hair color.

But also no. We don’t need the hair colors. The rest is good though.

Stark White hair and void black would be wonderful and void themed colors for Velfs.

You are an unnatural creation, no.

Yeah? Well you’re one of the only natural creations on Azeroth, so there!


We have the super natural powahhhh!!!

I’d like void elves to have the option to toggle tentacles on or off. Kind of like how vines work on night elf hair.