Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

They will with their racial.

Very constructive! Keep your cool though :stuck_out_tongue:

I hope we get glowing tattoos and runes in void colors like dark blue and dark puple.


The fact that this is liked by the most common posters is really telling.

Anywho, I fully support more void options, but I also support regular hair colors.
It’s ridiculous to claim that a hair color will destroy your personal vision of void elves.

Nothing would be taken away, you’d till be free to make a void elf in your vision while being unaffected by those who choose not to conform to your personal standards.

I don’t think lightforged draenei are required to strictly only have light customizations either.


Yes, I was more pointing out how I personally don’t understand this desire to play a bland blue eyed blonde haired pale skinned elf that can already be played hordeside when we have a more interesting option that can still easily fulfill the request.

Respecting the story of the High elves requires understanding that the Alliance aligned one’s are little more than outliers, with no faction. The only one that gets close is forced to remain partially neutral. (and has had almost no presence for two expansions)

Blood Elves and Void Elves are where the High Elf story has gone. Clinging to the past is missing their points.

It’s important for people who want their pure blue eyed blonde haired pale skinned high elf.

At this point its the only differing factor for Blood Elves.

Again, hair color is only important when high elf pros want it, not when blood elves want to maintain some identity.

If you want to play a high elf, the Blood Elves are high elves. Exactly.

You do not want me to get going about my issues with dwarves or gnomes.

This thread is about elves so I’m gonna pass on this one.

But, I do not find this issue with just elves.

First, I appreciate that reference and I laughed.

Second, we don’t need to look like her. Our leader is Umbric. She is a hero and like many heroes doesn’t always look like their people.

And on a side note; she should look like us.

I’m asking for an unnatural white and black. That’s why I call it Stark White and Void Black.

Thus it fits void elves.


Wildhammer like Gryphons. Bronzebeard just use them.

Get your dwarves right.

I hate to say it, but they were a little constructive here and there.

But yeah… Otherwise I agree.

I’m not actually big on the tentacles myself… But I do want tentacles to be available for all hair options. I’d like a toggle for all our hairstyles. (even bald).

Don’t post about pandemics as though they’re nothing.

People are, and have died.

No one has died over pixel elves.



It’s fine if they do have strictly light options, I think they just need a model toggle. I am ok if they have a lack of basic race customizations in return, can just rp it as “army” styles where you must look like that :stuck_out_tongue:

I am not happy that blizz gave alliance the Horde Blood Elf model. I’m dealing with it.

I’ve come to the conclusion that Void Elves should never get normal hair colors unless they’re streaked or marked in some way to distinguish Void Elves as being clearly Void Elves and not Blood Elves.

This is so weird… She should atleast have dark hair, so void elves could identify more with her. Devs should give her black hair u.u

heh, or at the very least have a scene where her hood falls off and we see some tenticles sprouting from that yellow hair.

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I’m not a fan of the tentacles to be honest xD Void elves are dark and gothic, their leader should be too.

True, but we don’t want to go too far into gothic territory, that’s fosaken stuff.

And worgens too. But void elves can be gothic in their own way.

Maybe more in the eldritch way?

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gets natural hair colors
“Now come on Blizz, just give us Paladins! We know you can! It is just the flip of a switch!”

gets Paladins
“Come on Blizz, let us change how the racials look with a glyph so they are more arcane and nature themed! We know you can do it, it’s just a few button pushes!”

gets racial glyphs
“PLS PLS PLS BLIZZZZ let us change the race name that pops up on our character profile, it could be a toggle at the barbershop and it would add so much flavor. It is just a matter of dropping in some code!”

“Come on Blizz, let the Alliance take over Silvermoon and Quel’thalas! It could be an in-game event and it was an Alliance kingdom in the past!”


It won’t matter the second they give players BE hair for Void there will be a post on here say “dear blizzard you are 90% there now change the name to high elves”. It is sad blizzard is hurting the Identity of the horde to make cry babies happy I have been here since BC and watched this go on and on for over 10 years.

Players calling for alliance high elves will not be happy till they have true high elves and the blood elves are removed from the horde. It’s just sad players cannot find more meaning in life that they need to focus on something so silly.

Any way we know you will get the hair in time just pointing it won’t end there this will never be over.


oh, they already tried that, both groups, pro-HE and anti-HE as well as some neutral shut them down.

Yep :slightly_smiling_face:

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After that it’ll be “you’re 95% of the way there blizzard just give Paladin” all so players who ignore multiple compromises in their favor feel entitled to every last thing Blood Elves have.


Natural hair colors would be nice. Toss in the paladin class too so we don’t need to waste an Allied Race/playable race slot on High elves.

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no need to give VE paladins, when we can have an option for a model toggle for lfd.

We do not need to break lore for that.