Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I like how we conveniently dont get to consider the ones added after legion like say…vulpera? Quite snazzy to point to something that outdated.

What does that have to do with anything?
He stated that ‘players are unhappy’ with void elves and I pointed out how happy players were.
It’s like you didn’t even understand the comments.


I am not happy. We still don’t have blonde and white hair color.


Honestly I always thought people were being a bit fussy about it from the get go.

Void Elves brought me back to WoW and I basically made a beeline to unlocking Void Elves, then made my ranger ala the rangers of WCII, where I remembered them from most, and I was perfectly happy with where the story had gone.

She was a Void Elf. Her days being a High Elf or even a Blood Elf were now behind her and she was making do with what she was left with.

Rather enjoyed it.

Now, folk can have the skintones but that hair color is just oh so important. Oh except when blood elves think its important. Then it not important at all.

And with luck we never will.


Might as well get blonde if we get white.

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Stark White and Void Black. Not quite natural white or black would actually fit void elves rather than water them down.


sure once we make nightborne look like night elves

And since we are asking blizzard for things they are capable to code in game.

Blizz plz give me the ability to delete other peoples characters, I know you can do it, you have the technology. Come on blizz.

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Blizz, this is my VE Warlock.

I would like to add a third eye to her right cheek. Can you please do that? No, not on her forehead. That’s to obvious. Void is Madness, remember? Pllllleeeeeeease? Also some more Tentacles.

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I wana see eyes on the forehead, that would be so sick.
And void black. Kinda like the night warrior eyes but black.

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If their sole enjoyment rest on destroying what makes races unique within the warcraft universe, then those players should try to find a game that has what they’re looking for.


Yes, I have characters just like this, and I like that fantasy too, and nothing about these added options changes that for me in the slightest, nor it does it change it for you. Your character can exist perfectly like she has been since you made her, and there’s still a place for her within WoW lore. They aren’t about to go turn Telogrus Rift into Diet Quel’thalas any time soon, or likely ever.

Hair color is important from an “individuals make their character look like what they want” standpoint. It is not important from a “preserve blood elf identity/distinction” standpoint.

It is important that players be able to make their characters look like what they want, within reason. Especially if it’s to represent a faction that’s been canon since Vanilla. It is not important to maintaining the uniqueness of the blood elves, because the blood elves…

  1. Already share natural hair colors with humans, dwarves, and gnomes, so it’s not even unique to them right now.
  2. Have shared the same assets as Alliance-Aligned High Elves/Thalassians/quel’dorei since they were introduced in Burning Crusade. So, even among elves, its never canonically been unique to them.
  3. Most importantly, are defined by waaaay more than just their customization options.

Woah, bro! Nice misquote!

No. I didn’t say that. I didn’t say their customization choice was their “sole enjoyment”, only that this customization option would make them happier than the alternative, which makes it preferable since we should maximize player enjoyment when reasonable.

Quel’dorei have been around a lot longer than ren’dorei. If someone was looking to play a standard fantasy elf, then… Look no further than Warcraft, because they’re hella canon, and have been for twenty-five years.

It also seems pretty arbitrary to draw the line as not liking the “high elf” racial fantasy because it’s “not unique”. Warcraft humans, dwarves (at least Bronzebeard), and gnomes are are fairly standard fare, especially the humans, but those haven’t been mentioned as being problematic once. What’s special about “standard fantasy elf” that doesn’t apply to “standard fantasy human/dwarf/gnome”?

Also, the ren’dorei racial leader is a blonde-haired, blue-eyed ranger who is only occasionally the Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness Lugia version of herself.


Again once you start giving natural hair colors blood elf has might as well share the whole bag at that point. The white color is really just platinum blonde. So i will ask for platinum blonde and yellow blonde.

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Like litterally, bronzebeard dwarves are practically tokien dwarves about all the way to the T, the only difference is they like gryphons.

While HE may not be a playable race, at least let ppl rp as them.


First we need blonde and platinum blonde hair. Void elves already have full void customization choice but not full wayfairers/scholars choice.

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Everyone knows you want blonde hair for VE, can you please stop spam posting it and add something concreate to the conversation?

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They’re just customization options. They are not your identity. Please stop treating them as such and let people have fun. Other people having fun does not take away your fun. If it does, seek therapy.


much like a person who tests positive for Covid-19 and still ignores wearing a mask, void elves keep forgetting they are VOID tarnished. That is the defining factor that slips through the simple minds of some. You got your eyes, you got your skin, but changing the hair radically moves void elves out of the void.

There is no way Blizzard should implement that. If you want to make a High Elf, well as you can see from my beautiful looks, it is more than possible. We even have the High Elf capital city to play in.

I’m fine with colors and some none void hair options as long as it’s paired with something that symbolizes void with it (like force the style to have tiara with a void gem) I know it’s not common opinion, but I actually like the smaller tenticle hairstyles. As long as the new colors keeps the colors of the tenticles, I’m ok with it.

Best leave that disease out of the forums, There is other “examples” you can use for the same effect. Though still inaproppiate.


you wanna keep posting this BS, than I will compare to whatever I want.

as for a piece of jewelry to show you are void…lol, you have to try much harder than that.

keep void elves void.