Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Normal skin tones, normal hair colors. You want to be a blood elf alliance side.

Call it what you will and get the colors and textures from where you will, but thats what it boils down to.

That works fine for me.

Ethereal like wraps for the hands, feet, legs, chest and head, preferably with several options for each would be nice.

Tentacle toggle for those who aren’t into the tentacles and to give those hair styles that DONT have them tentacles.

Ear length, scars, tattoos, divided by head and body mind you. Those I think every race should get anyways.

Also Void eyes like our Heritage armors gems and N’zoth style eyes.

Not my thing but saw a few people throw about a third eye option?

I think they mean naturally growing from your own head. :stuck_out_tongue:




Sure natural hair for void elves. I also think I’d be cool if they gave void elves more void-ish options, maybe some kind of void tattoos and more void themed hairs? That way people could customize however they wanted.


how about give the Nightborne some more customization options for once? ugliest race by far and they get a total option of 6 hairstyles and 3 faces (or what feels like it).


We already have full void option now we need more wayfair and scholar options to full the fantasy.

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Yes, thank you for keeping an open mind!

I just want more options for void elves and blood elves in general.

Also yes


We absolutely do not need more high elf options.

We do need more void options.


they really are still bitter over the horde getting elves nearly 13 years later.


Give Void Elves black hair color because that just makes sense shut up about it!!! =p

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Which would be as bad as vulpera memes going all day long on the forums and in game.

Stark White and Void Black would be excellent additions to Void Elves. It fits their void theme just fine.

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Glowing Void hair too … like the shoulders from The Heritage armor .


I like you. :heart:


This is the opposite of a problem. It’d actually be a good thing.

If natural hair color customization options were added, and a lot of people chose them, then it’s because these customization made those players happier than the alternative. It’d still be okay even it it meant that no one ever made a character with the void options again, because people would be doing what makes them happier. I prioritize player enjoyment over “void elf identity”.

Even then, the scenario of “no one ever using the void options ever again” wouldn’t happen. A lot of people like the void options and would continue to use them, myself included, because the void options make those people happier.

So, even if certain players think the high elf option is this “tropey elf”… Then so? They don’t have to play one, ever. They can continue to play a “Void Elf”. Their enjoyment is not harmed because other characters look different from their own.

As I’ve said before, I have no issue separating the race of the avatar from the character depicted. Someone can make a “high elf” character with the Void Elf race, and, for me, it doesn’t really factor into the Void Elves, because that character is not a ren’dorei, it’s a quel’dorei.

There will still be NPCs in Telogrus studying the Void, and there will still be players making characters that fit that fantasy. That’s not going away because of some hair colors, and until I see evidence that suggests that will change, I cannot be convinced that hair options threaten the “Void Elf identity”.

You and I will not see eye to eye.

That concept flies in the face of lore and anything to do with why anyone should want to play any race or class in this game.

Just an excuse to erase void elves, and devalue blood elves in the pursuit of pure blue eyed pale skinned blonde haired elves.


I’ll take up the role of I am the gatekeeper, I just need a keymaster. Haha. Sorry in advance I really couldn’t help myself. :joy: :joy: :joy:




Blizz announced void elves…
Player base -YES… lots of excitement
Blizz shows the blueberries elves
Player base- comon this isn’t what we wanted.
Blizz is shocked?
I could go on about skin tones and hair…
But let’s get serious… Blizzard you know what players are asking for stop being coy, give the alliance the high elves their asking for and be done with it.
I mean. Is anyone really surprised that players are unhappy with current model?


Can’t be too unhappy since last time stats were official Void Elves were the most played allied race.


The top 20 post in the forums would say otherwise.


Loud mouths on the general forums do not represent the majority of people who play wow.