Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You copy pasted from some wiki without citing sources.

If you really want to roll a blonde elf the Horde exists. Stop trying to completely destroy Blood Elves.

Google wowiki, high elf.
You’re welcome.

I don’t know how to link websites on wow forums.

Very reasonable.

Last time I checked they’re doing just fine. I’m waiting for them to get more customizations though.

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Wowwiki is not moderated and can be edited by malicious helf fans and thus is not a reliable source.

The High Elves left the Alliance in Warcraft 2. They became Blood Elves in Warcraft 3. They joined the Horde.

It’s time to get over it Karen.

Then link me something that says otherwise, until then you should stop making generalizations.

Also my name isn’t Karen, not sure how that’s relevant.

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Have you never played Warcraft 3 or Burning Crusade?


Still waiting for your countersource.

Chop chop :clap:

You’re hysterical thinking that Warcraft 3 didn’t happen.

Another irrational entitled high elf stan for the block list.

…Okay? have a good night.

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Imagine thinking Warcraft 3 never happened. What’s next, denying climate change?

What are you even going on about?
I never said anything about WC3 not happening.

If you can’t provide any countersource, don’t proceed to be a baby about it. Have a good night.

You’re the one who wanted this, not me.

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Yeah, I have a great love for the Blood Knight lore/RP so I could never be without this character, though I also to love the idea of a more regal and powerful kind of Troll.

I even RPed my Shaman and Druid as Zandalari prior to receiving the actual AR, so to not only get said AR but to have them with Paladins on top of that, I just couldn’t resist.

I actually like pretty much all of the ARs the Horde got and was finally able to explore the Horde outside of being a Blood Elf more as I hit server cap long before they removed it.

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So… you’re claiming that 10% of the 1% of remaining High Elves still claiming that name, not the 9% that became Blood Elves… are Alliance?

I don’t see that in your source.

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Lol now that looks like a silly post.

I doubt blizz will pull that though. Simply due to the fact they want all classes available to both factions.

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This is the exact same argument you and many others used in favor of HE. “They being playable doesn’t affect you at all, it takes nothing from you” yadda yadda yadda.

And here we are, with people unable to keep the tropey elves out of topics about VEs and constantly attempting to change them by either giving them classes that don’t make sense, or options that would wash off “the bad bits” but that’s ok because “the other options are not going anywhere” right? But you know darn well that once those were available, the actual identity of the VE might as well would be erased because the majority would flock to those for sure.

But then it won’t be enough, then the demand for classes that further ruin what they are will grow stronger and the exact same argument will be made “It won’t ruin anything, their voidy side it’s totally there!”.

And at this point more and more people are becoming aware that it won’t stop until you get the full tropey elves even if it means destroying VE’s concept in the process, but you will continue to dismiss anyone because it will totally be there, perhaps one would need a magnifying glass to catch the speck of what once was VEs.

It’s better to stop it before it reaches that point.


Best paragraph ever. Have a :cookie:

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Don’t use that in your arguements, the “hard” numbers in that paragraph was from the board game and is not canon!

I can’t agree with this . Many other players too.

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agreed, the only decent AR the alliance got was DID, and honestly should have been horde.

I guess those that don’t agree with you don’t count now.

Yes exactly. And the blue eyes should’ve been option only for the void elves at first place . Still not understand why the blood elves have gotten them . But I can accept that as compromise

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