Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

It’s impossible to be polite when the other side is being hysterical and unreasonable.

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I was literally verbatim called a name today which was pretty awful too, I think people can handle the term Stans.

Boy, that is literally my actual LIFE.


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Yeah I think twisting the conversation into something it isn’t to believe you have some sort of ground to claim High Elf fans aren’t valid in their customization requests, is pretty yikes.

Very anti player of you.

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Well I do want a Paladin that I level and try to get into and I go back and forth between the two Zandalari or Blood Elf. I lean towards an eventual Blood Elf though.

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This is a false accusation. Again we disagree on this topic to the extent that we do, and I find villainizing people who disagree distasteful unless they actually display behavior that is distasteful, and no disagreeing over playable High Elves in favor of the uniqueness of Blood Elves isn’t distasteful it’s something that is valid disagreement.


Mmm, no.

I give you in-game based lore on the nature of High Elves and what the High Elf AR/customization request has been about and you say “lul High Elves are already playable on Horde, you don’t deserve to ask for more things that are actively shown to Alliance players in-game”, completely disregarding the topic of discussion and the true intentions of the request.

A difference of opinion is you not liking High Elves and the customization requests, not you using skewed lore points to attempt to deny people’s requests.

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The issue here being that you can still continue to play a void themed void elf regardless of whether they receive new customizations or not.

The void theme is not being taken away.

This uniqueness is already lost with high elves already existing on the alliance for a while now. What people disagree with is seeing them be played, as if this uniqueness is somehow further lost due to a person being behind the race in question, which seems illogical. (as if the blood elf uniqueness is there so long as high elves remain alliance npcs rather than people playing them???)

I would agree with you on this if high elves were never part of the alliance in the first place, or if their whole population were to die/shift to the horde after some lore event.


High Elves left the Alliance at the end of Warcraft 2.

They renamed themselves to Blood Elves in Warcraft 3 and the Alliance tried to murder them.

They then joined the Horde.

One or two token npc doesn’t a playable race make. That’s like demanding Alliance Tauren because Baine is in Stormwind.


Not all the high elves left the alliance, in fact approximately 10% of the remaining high elves stayed alliance.

Correct, the blood elves joined the horde. Not the high elves (Or not-blood elf- high elves for the mental gymnasts in here).

Yes because hundreds or thousands of high elves being alliance is equivalent to… 1 horde leader being friends with Anduin.

Flawless analogy.


Ya, I have blood elves and void elves, and some void elves with the new options (and every other race, don’t hate) — would be cool to make a blonde Velf.

As for Belves and Nightborne, wretched and withered options, respectively, would be amazing.

While we’re at it, let skinny KTs join the Alliance :raised_hands:t3:

More is better.


You’re being disingenuous with your headcanon that five NPCs is hundreds of thousands.

In before “but m’Silver Covenant.”


" The number of High elves remaining is not precisely known, however it is stated that the surviving high elves comprise a mere 1% of the original high elven population, with the blood elves accounting for the remaining 9% of it [[3]]. Since Kael’thas took 15% of the blood elves to Outland [[4]] (i.e. 1.35% of the original high elf population), and since Kael’thas’ army numbered at least 2,000 (“thousands of them”) according to the ‘Excerpts from the Journal of Archmage Vargoth’, it follows that the total high elf population is currently at least 1,481"

You can literally just google high elf. It’s literally…that easy.

Oh and before someone jumps on me with “RELIABLE SURCES” please…sit down, this is an mmo not some university level research paper.
If you have a better source, you’re welcome to post it.


What is your source on that?


The burden of proof is on you…

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Posted above you.

Provide me a source stating that this source if wrong.
See how fun this is? It isn’t.

Imagine quoting wowwiki which can easily be modified by malicious helf fans because it’s unmoderated and no one fact checks it.

Headcanons aren’t lore.


Yes let’s fact check a wiki page…over a video game.
Like I said, you can provide a source that says otherwise, you don’t even know if it’s modified by these so called “malicious elf fans”, no need to make things up.


The onus is on you.

We all know malicious helf fans will stop at nothing until they clone Blood Elves, get Paladins, get Silvermoon, and get Blood Elves deleted.

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It literally isn’t though, I provided a source and you’re screaming that it’s wrong.
I have nothing else to do here.

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