Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You’d be wrong.

Since Blizz is obviously going off of popularity for their customization options, since most of what has been requested for races has been added.

This thread itself proves there’s a want for regular colors and hairstyles for void elves, and you think they’ll do something different because it’s what you preferred they’d do and it works in your favor, instead of listening to the hundreds of people who are asking for the same thing.

Adorable. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, and you think they’re gonna do a 180 now lol.

You’d be better off spending your effort on making sure Blizzard doesn’t outright rip blood elf hairstyles for Void Elves like they ripped everything else, what better way to differentiate the two races with different and popular options. :man_shrugging:


I think there are other things to fight for that HE fans want that don’t infringe on the BE main theme, like ear sliders which should also be for NB imo. But HE fans are often fans of ‘Half Elves’ too so it plays into the RP tool theme Blizzard has done. While providing another win for them without infringing more on Blood Elves like I said.

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… Your opinion doesn’t match reality.
The costumisation options a compromise for a bad decisions in the past .

Horde got nightborne (night elf cousins with suramar), zandalari trolls (biggest empire/lore in azeroth after night elf ), vulperas (fan loved).

Alliance got a purple high elf substitute and fat humans and diaper gnomes. Please


So what? Alliance got good Allied Races too.

Yeah you’re right your opinion doesn’t…

Rubbish trolls.

You’re being far more positive than I ever will.

They only care about who whines the loudest, even as they use “RP” as a reason when in most cases that’s just a means to an end.

I mean, I do know for a fact that many of them have ulterior motives for the entire request but they simply hide it behind the “It’s for the lore!” (let’s say that I’ve seen things and my mention of “hot elven waifus” it’s just an exaggeration of the truth).

They gave them a hand and now they’re reaching for the whole torso, they already didn’t care about blood elves as it is, I won’t have a better opinion on blizz until I see something other than yet more proof that we’re at a point where blood elves can’t get anything unless VEs get it too.

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I quite like Zandalari :frowning:

For me it is Blood Elves>Forsaken>Nightborne>Zandalari>Vulpera

I like the other Horde races too but not as much, and NB and Forsaken I don’t play I just love them, but I would make a Zandalari and also I do quite love them.

I just listed the ones I love really, so it’s not that I dislike Zandalari for being fourth, its their quite literally my fourth favorite in the game.

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Mechagnomes and Kul Tirans are the most unpopular Allied races in game.

Our best are Void Elf and Dark Iron, lets not get confused now.


For me it’s Blood Elves - > everything else - > a dumpster fifty million miles away -> trolls.

I also quite like Void Elves, but I decided they really only play on my love of Blood Elves, so they shouldn’t make the list based off that.

Zandalari and Dark Iron are tied for my most rolled allied race atm.

…I have two of each.

I know I’m a long way from the appropriate person to be tone police, but could we ease up on the term stans? It’s getting chucked around a lot, and much like “you people”, it really only seems to serve to be glibly dismissive of others’ viewpoints. Personal preference.


That’s really the issue you take in these conversations?

Well, I could also complain about “you’re gaslighting me!” “No, YOU’RE gaslighting ME!”

But you know, whatever.


Or accusing people of

Because of their stance on High Elves, but yeah.

I really do love the Zandalari myself, as they are my go to for anything I can’t play as Blood Elf as far as Horde goes. I also even made a Zandalari Paladin in addition to Selesnya.

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I use stans to point out how pathetically, unhealthily and irrationally obsessed with weaksauce bland lame elves these people are.

I mean I could call them something else based on their obsession with a blonde haired blue eyed pure pale people and their continual tendency to poopoo on diverse skin tones if you’d prefer.

Real classy.


No no no, no more lies now Lann, you do it alot.

“stance” on high elves is different than “purposely turning the conversation into the high elf race instead of the high elf group that high elf fans have always been talking about”.

You don’t get to pretend High Elf fans are the bad guys because you and your buddies twist the conversation into being about Blood Elves, and not the High Elves that Blizzard recognizes as a different entity.

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If I was more of an internet whiz, I’d be posting “everyone needs to be more friendly!”

But I usually don’t wander into the thread mid tiff, so I’m probably going to wander right back out.

Just maybe we could be a bit less… -gestures vaguely- less this.


So you defend your use of that claim that anyone disagreeing with you

Because I think that is kind of yikes.