Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Not touching that card.

Funny how you got so hanged up on a joke remark… I wonder why :smirk:

I’m not arguing the source, I’m simply stating that lore from the previous xpac (The one you linked being from BFA and the one I refered to being from Legion) are all over the place.

And yes, again, The Sunwell changing them it’s still more consitent than just getting a tan.


Regadless of all this, scholars and wayfairers are part of void elves so blonde and white hair void elves are possible. Ones who never became void corrupted but simply study and master the void and live side and side by them.


I do agree blizz needs to be much more consistent with lore. Otherwise what would be a point of it.

I say yes yes !!! :partying_face: At least just black for now that would be great it would look so pretty with the sparkly void hair .

I’m just saying, you’re opening yourself up to some trolling if you misspell “correct”. Like, it’s asking for someone to be like “well, you can’t even spell correct correctly, so you’re entire argument is invalid!”

Sigh Just go do your rounds at your local inn. You’ll get plenty of gold even if you don’t look like a copy of a blood elf in the alliance.

I guess I don’t mind retcons that at least maintain some sense within the universe (like elves mutating due to magic) but going from Sunwell to “they hopped on a ship and the next thing they knew is that they were shorter and no longer purple”… really?

meh, I generally ignore them, or troll them back :stuck_out_tongue:

To be fair anyone trying to use an argument like that are themselves pretty low hanging fruit.

Also, stop trying to wash the identity of VEs more.


Not trying to!

I functionally want Void Elves to act as two races.

Void elves for players that care about void elves, and high elves for players that want to play high elves. It enables customization for players that have requested it since Vanilla without the ridiculous overhead of adding a new race entirely.


Yep, you are

VEs are not “two races”, no race is or should be. VE are their own people, people that have been infused with the Void. Let them look like their own people.


Not one of those wayfarers or scholars have blonde or white hair

I kinda agree with this, but blizz is going the opposite direction with it. With trolls/dwarves being the biggest exapmles.

Time for a model toggle for LFD and forsaken.

But the paintjob for trolls and dwarves only show them as members of different groups.

VEs have been changed… oh boy, here we go again with this, aren’t we?

Well they soon will be Void Elves. Once they complete the process, we have no idea if the current path leaves the hair the same. Or the skin tone technically. The second island shows new Void Elves learning to use the Void, and they are blueberries.

Void Elves infuse themselves with a powerful Void Essence. They are Void Elves. We are Void Elves.


As an RPer, IC =/= OOC. Something can mechanically be one thing, but represent an entirely different character!

Like… Void elves can exist as a race, right? And players can use the Void Elf materials to look like high elves. But, within the universe of Warcraft, that hasn’t reduced Void Elves at all! Actually, it’s expanded, because now players can mix and match void and natural options!

Also, due to non-mutated Void Elves being canon since their inception (see High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars mentioned earlier), it actually deepens their lore, because now they can exist on a spectrum of void-iness and means they’re actively recruiting more into their ranks.

Just spray it, it’s more effective and just the right response.

1 Like
  • Get the non voidy skin
  • Put in your TRP you’re are a High elf
  • ???
  • Profit

Grats, you are one of those traitor elves that abandoned their people. If you wish to mess with the identity of your race of choice that’s on you and you got the tools to do it already.

No need to go and ruin it for everyone else.

A few NPCS standing around hardly makes something canon. There’s been nothing officially written anywhere.


If only more people understood that, the tropey elves would finally be forgotten…