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in the proccess of becoming demons, willingly.

Incorrect, or all Blood elves would be felblood elves in silvermoon right now since BC.

I never said I was, I am talking about thalassians, not the history.

You’re mixing felbloods with Demon hunters. The latter are the ones that are going through that process because they have one inside them.

A few crystals scattered around won’t cause the same effect as taking in large quantities of fel energy…

And again, you’re trying to ignore the fact that elves in general are affected by magic if those are strong enough. Naga are not just Highborne with built in snorkels.

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Magic mutates them, either over time or when applied liberally over a short time.

High elves to felblood, high elves to void elves were quick infusions changing them.

I’ll grant felblood being on the path to demon hood seems to just be how demons do.

If blizzard had some elves change to be associated from some other magic I’d not bat an eye. It’s the lore.

Lightforged elves when?

Honestly, it’s a mistery how they haven’t come up with those already.

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Actually any mortal can become demons by heavy fel exposure according to lore. It’s how most demon races we see became demons, this include saccubus’s. Not just elves, any race, doesn’t matter which.

Actually no, lore-wise the changes was more akin to becoming diaurnal, from being nocturnal, not by magic. Since you won’t drop it.

No blood elves will be lightforged, it’s not gonna happen.

Likely to be tied to the Sunwell and the Blood Elves.

Would be interesting.

Edit: I love how Grandbrae and I got the exact opposite on that separately.

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The sunwell isn’t 100% light energy, nor does it have enough to lightforge dude.

No it’s 50/50. Enough to change their eyes, so again over time could effect a change.

Be an interesting tie in for the Horde when the Light strikes.

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Oh that would make some people really angry…


They already have a strong link to the Light.

No, high elves exist because the Sunwell was established. Without it, high elves as we known them today would look like blonde Night elves.

Not really, I have the opposite opinion on that, it’d be more interesting if the try to use the elements to convice the alliance they need to join up to fight the light when the light strikes.

They evolved during the boat trip, not from the sunwell.

Really? What? The sea breeze changed them?

That sounds like something that would work better for Naga.

And that’s a very flimsy reason for them to also shrink in the process.

“Man that sun sure it’s hot, I better lose a few inches of my height to deal with it.”

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Honestly I’m loving my Alliance High Elf so much but this would make it 11/10. Please and thank you Blizz!


look, think about for a minute, if the well of eternity did not change them into HE, why would another font of arcane energy, that originated from the Well eternity will? Lore-wise the change from being diaunal, from nocturnal is one of the factors in it.

I am going to currect myself, but my statement remains currect that it was not magic that changed them, it happened after the boat trip, and happened because they where severed from the world tree’s energies and made vulnerable to the natural elements of the world.

Copied from the site.

Around this time, they had become completely severed from the life-giving energy of the Well of Eternity. This meant that they were vulnerable to the elements and had not received immortality from Nozdormu and the World Tree. They had shrunk in height and their skin had become a peach hue similar to most dwarves and humans. The high elves soon discovered primitive humans, but associated little with them. The forest trolls of Zul’Aman, under the Amani Empire, posed a greater threat to their society. The elves soon grew to hate the forest trolls and they fought each other whenever they met. When the high elves went to war with the Amani trolls, the elves could not understand how the trolls’ weapon enchantments were more powerful than their own. The elves then stole ancient knowledge from troll spellcasters, including the famous Zanza, and used stolen idols to craft their own versions of the troll enchantments.[16]

Bro, I appreciate the support, but I gotta say…

This is the worst word to misspell.

…because the well of eternity turned them into elves in the first place? They built their entire kingdom around it.

And before you even try it. Dath’ramar Sunstrider was a Highborne, and Highborne were never its own race, but a caste of Kaldorei society.

So that’s it, the sea breeze changed them. Despite that the lore of Dath’ramar explains that they changed when the Sunwell was established.

Not only this is inconsistent, but also it makes no sense when we’ve seen elves changing due to heavy magic influence again and again.

Also, good job blizz, rectonning Chronicles in less than 5 years of its release…


Anything changes with high magic usage, not just elves… They are still not getting light forged regardless.

Also, I gave you a source, if you want to dispute it, put up your own.