I mean, given my druthers, we’d have a rune based class and Mountain King would be an actual spec.
But if you’re going to have someone fighting with extreme marital prowess with two swords and doing a bit of mistweaving on the side, that’s at least more monkish than the giant humans who worship death and use wicker forms are druidy.
My Alliance main is probably transitioning to Sledge or Gurda, my Wildhammer monk, come Shadowlands.
For Horde, Mag’har mistweaver or my plain ol’ orc shaman are top contenders.
I have a lot of brewmaster pve/windwalker pvp and arms pvp/prot pve toons. That’s just where I gravitate.
Ahem. Though my short elves are a warlock for blue, a paladin for red (though one of these threads made an argument for hunter) that I still need to finish the push to 50 on… and a nebulous arms warrior who’s like level 11 and who I may not be committed to for the new void elf customizations.
I should actually log into the game and actually play more but Korrak’s revenge is broken atm and chromie isn’t offering the quests… So I’m going to go sleep…
Wait until he tries to tell you that Uther’s only High Elven apprentice it’s proof of the tropey elves being paladins… even if Mehlar ended up as a blood elf.