Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

bUt ThE sIlVeR cOvEnAnT pAlAdIn TrAiNeR!!1


The one standing next to the Silver Covenant warlock trainer?

Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei are culturally different.

Lol love how Blizzard gave us Blood Elves with purple undies instead of blue and you are okay with it.

No one asked for Void elves. And Until we get Actual High Elves people won’t stop. Even if we get hairs/colors People are going to keep asking until we get them.

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Given my druthers, all races would have scars (these could be copy pasted as long as worgen form scars matched human scars), culturally appropriate warpaint/tattoos, and bone white or jet black hair.

High elves have paladin mobs in WoW lol.

Every Male Orc Warrior in RP is just a Garrosh / Grommash wannabe.

Oh my god, when the WoD cinematics came out, you couldn’t walk through Orgrimmar without seeing an Orc say “This wolf has teeth.”

Being a human bootlicker it’s not a significant cultural difference.

I don’t know what I’m expecting from yet another HMP from Moon guard wanting his token elven waifu…

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I’m just so lonely.

Get a body pillow. I should get one of Lor’themar myself.

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I’m on call, so I’m staring at the wall, cleaning the station, and waiting for all heck to break loose.

I’ll be back on WoW after my shift ends.

And then I will evaluate my short redside elf options.

Great, they’re multiplying because of you.

I mean regardless there is nothing stopping High Elves from just…learning the ways of the light and becoming normal paladins. Silver Cov has legit been in Alliance for decades.

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Not anymore.

Sin’dorei we’re different when they abandoned traditional culture in the face of their extinction. Which caused the Quel’dorei to leave in the first place.

But ever since the Sunwell was restored, Blood Elves have lost their teeth and did a factory reset to default Human Elves. Especially Liadrin.

ww have earth wind and fire which functions more like the actual mirror image thing bm had iirc

Love that one trinket from wod that the blademaster drops

I mean, you aren’t wrong, but that doesn’t mean Alliance still shouldn’t get High Elves.

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Who are you different to?

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I’m glad I’m not the only one bothered by that typo.

I’m petty and childish but I punctuate like an angel.

It’s not my fault they are so thristy.

That is true, after all they have they class available since they’re playable.

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Back then when I legit wanted Blademaster as a class and not pretend Arms Warriors are blademasters.