Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Well, then cool. Here is what I would like to see:

Kul Tiran/Human Hair styles and hair colours for Void Elves (Black, Blonde, Brown, Silver, White, etc. for colours)
Night Elf Hair Styles (oh yes, for me, this is a huge must. I really want to see one hair style in particular.).
Adjustable Eyebrows/Ear Lenghs too.
Also, some Void Themes as well, including Void and Non-Void runic tatoos.
Options to chose the ammount of Void Corruption effects with our racial procs (Virtually, chose to have no corruption, which means you don’t appear as a void form when Entropic Embrace Procs or you can turn into a Giant Tentacle when the racial procs).
And Male Human Paladi… Oh wait, skip this last one :wink:

This is a metaphorical like with extra emphasis.

I went looking for that customization chart for 2 hot seconds before I realized I hadn’t had my coffee and I need to charge my phone and I lack the mental fortitude to try to remember which thread it was on.

I dogpile into every customization thread I see because at the end of the day, I like customization a lot.

And there’s usually cool art.


Funny thing is the Pandaren are both Horde and Alliance and have the same customizations. Shared customization options between Blood Elves and Void Elves should be a given considering both are High Elves.

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Sledge is rocking the lone Bronzebeard tattoo.

…which is also behind the lowcut top. There’s actually not a lot of plate that shows off a cool back tattoo.

More please.

Oh no the horrors of not agreeing with every part of the requests when they infringe on Blood Elves.

Yet I’m still supportive of ear sliders for people as QOL upgrade and RP tool for Half Elves.

This is silly as people don’t RP while in combat.

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This isn’t just about RP’ing. Maybe some people don’t like there racial effect, or maybe some people would like to see more of an effect on that racial.

I wouldn’t be so quick to just judge on something like that.

Ear slider is literally what you are asking for Blood Elves, not really for Void Elves. Let’s stop pretending to not be anti when you are just deliberately hypocritical.

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I like the racial as is.

And by as is, I mean to say I wish it looked more like Alleria’s shadowform (white hair, dark indigo skin and armor) rather than “someone slopped a bucket of ink on a shadow priest”.

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Why would I ask for an ear options on Blood Elves? They already have them. I’m well documented on wanting them for VEs and Nightborne.

Villainizing people who disagree with you isn’t a good look.

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I am not a fan of the racial effect myself. I have requested for an option to hide it only the effect of the racial in the past.

Oh sh… I see Dorp. If he finds out I have been a bad girl, I’ll get Arcwine shoved down my throat.

Would you be okay with void elves receiving the human hair colors then? That way there’s no blood elf “infringing”.

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Well, maybe you shouldn’t do the same thing too.


2020 - Shadow priest getting well fed buff at the start of a dungeon (colourised)

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Please, do not remind me of 2020.

So is being hypocritical and act toxically condescending too. But hey, I don’t mind disagreement, but I just got fed up with your posts in this thread for me to call you out since your behavior is crossing the line at Sara.

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I know you love things being shoved down your throat though! :hugs:

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To be fair, I have been a bit toxic back as well, but that is because after 3 threads continuing on, it has gotten to me a bit.

Well… Well…

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Uh. Oh my.