Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

You mean you want to destroy Void Elves because you are too imagination-impaired to use Total RP 3 like a normal RPer.

So being Horde-aligned and Alliance-aligned are the same thing?

Ad hominem.

I use TRP3! I can imagine things and do. I just think it’s important to, within reason, be able to make your character look like what you want them to look like, and hair color is certainly within reason.

It’s not even funny man, I was so sure they’d do forest trolls. I was SO looking forward to Guzzle the Mag’har becoming Guzzul the hexer. There’s literally no reason for them not to be a thing.

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There’s no personal attack here. You’re literally imagination impaired or you wouldn’t be demanding a total clone of Blood Elves.

You already can do so within reason.

You’re being unreasonable by demanding a total clone of Blood Elves.

Yeah, you’re starting to get one of the reasons some people were opposed to high elves. They’re literally blood elves just on the Alliance.

A bunch of jewelry, sure. But if you have your hair + our hair. Your skintones + our own then you definitely get more.

There are allied races that need anything. Like Nightborne. There are still core races that got far less. Like Worgen and Pandas. They all should be addressed.

And the only way that Void Elves should get anything else Belf is if we finally get Dark Ranger and San’layn looks to help set us apart. But not until other races are addressed.

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If you’re a lass*

I’m against it while Blood Elves have nothing to show for our customization. It puts them too far into the theme of “Regular” Elf. But I’m not adverse to it being done with Alliance based stuff so long as Blood Elves and other core races don’t keep being shafted.

Truth. Guys got basically nothing.

I personally don’t care if they rob other Alliance races.

I just want Blood Elves to be left alone.

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Yeah what he said!

I understand and don’t misunderstand my replies like I’m saying Blood Elves shouldn’t get new stuff to replace what we have already lost or that Void Elves should get customizations before other races because I’m not, I’m simply saying I’d support them getting hairstyles and haircolors from other Alliance races instead of taking them from our race. :wink: :wink: :wink:

Sounding to be an anti with lot of denial when Blood Elves and Void Elves are literally High Elves with different changes.


Then great.

We agree. As I’ve said multiple times. I don’t care if the options come from blood elves or humans or Kul Tirans, as long as we can be some shade of blonde, brown, red, black, and white/silver.

So Kul Tiran, Human, Space Goat, Night Elf, (insert more Alliance races) hair styles, colours, customisations for Void Elves then?

I don’t care. I just want to protect what little Blood Elves have that makes them unique.

I want more Bronzebeard tattoos and updos for my dwarves.

I also want our Wildhammer feathers to work with all our hair, more braided, loose hairstyles, and more Wildhammer tattoos. Seriously, 2 hairstyles, 3 tattoos, and some broken bling is not ALL I want to represent the Wildhammer and their unique lore.

I do not view wanting both Bronzebeard and Wildhammer stuff on my dwarf as mutually exclusive. If Blizz had called me Customization Queen, you can bet your bottom dollar that Wildhammer (and ogres) would have been an allied race. But they weren’t. So Ima keep asking for what I’d like to see.

And if they’re going to mush my favorite race into a weird amalgam of two subtypes, ima ask for shines for both types.

At the end of the day, I like shinies.


Don’t engage with him. I’m sick of his arguments already, gone through 3 threads already arguing with him on that.

I’ve said it in this thread…

I want every race to have as many customization options as (per a recent study) male orcs!

Give dwarves more tattoos! Green skin for trolls! Beards for undead and trolls and goblins and blood elves! Eyebrows for all races. Please God give Nightborne the customization they desperately need.

But also, give Void Elves natural hair colors.

Yeah, it’s really annoying that due to how many people want the tattoos because they’re neat the majority of dwarves are Wildhammers now.