Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

They matter, but they don’t have to be protected.

Because high elf players can customize their characters the way they want to customize them without blood elves losing their identity.

Notice most of those quotes are directed at you, me and Lan. Just saying. Lol.

They must be protected.

Keep Blood Elves distinct.

Well, that is what most of us (I think most of us, I know I am), are requesting for. The Hair styles and hair colours that are on the Alliance races.



I don’t care where they get the colors or styles from. I just want void elves to look like high elves, however we get there. If they come from humans or Kul Tirans or whatever, that works just fine.


Your distinction is more than just customization options, as it has been for thirteen years.

Then I wouldn’t oppose that given I have Kul Tiran Druid and I love her hair. Haha.

That would work for me because then we wouldn’t lose further Blood Elf customization uniqueness.


Your weaksauce attempt to gaslight me isn’t going to work.

If Blood Elf customizations are important enough for you to steal them they’re important enough to protect.

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Distinction and customization are different things. That’s my argument.

Thank you <3

If Void Elves got the same hair colours as Humans/Kul Tirans, same hair styles, etc. I would definitely be like this


And my argument is that customizations are the pinnacle of visual distinction and that we must keep Blood Elves distinct and keep the Void in Void Elves.

Visual distinction is the only kind that matters in a discussion about customizations.

If that’s the case, then Blood Elves haven’t been distinct from High Elves since Burning Crusade, because High Elves have been in the game and used the same models as blood elves.


Yeah that’s what we’ve been saying.

Good thing High Elves aren’t a playable race.

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Neither are Wildhammer or Sand Trolls, unfortunately.

Personally I used the sand troll skin to make a generic brand forest troll.

Fine, I’ll clarify.

If the only difference is aesthetic/customization options, then Horde-aligned Thalassians haven’t been distinct from Alliance-aligned Thalassians since the Burning Crusade.

I don’t want them to be! I just want Void Elves to be able to look like a High Elf.

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So mad that we got nothing for Forest Trolls.

Revantusk joined the Horde blizzard you cowards

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Yeah, that’s what people have been saying. Blood elves and high elves are literally identical.

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Want green troll skins!