Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

If it were this simple, we wouldn’t have anything to discuss.

And high elves haven’t? It’s been decades since the invasion and split. Also, there are additional Silvermoon defectors that have joined Umbric.

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It is that simple. We’re having this discussion because people can’t get over it.

Beware of gnomezilla!

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It’s not really the same thing. Night elves pray to the moon, that’s their thing. And paladin is all about light, sun etc.


Those are easy combos that require nothing lore intensive to them compared to “night elf paladin” lol.

That’d be a cool dungeon boss. An irradiated gnome with scales grown to like… 3 stories tall.

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I’m not gonna fully derail, but…

I mean, a paladin is literally what you get when you teach a priest to fight. That’s where the first human ones came from.

Night Elf priestesses are already warriors too. You can just put them in heavier armor and call them paladins.

Let them honestly lol

pinches the bridge of his nose.

The true villain of SL is not sylvannis, not the jailor, but gnomezilla, his hunger is never ending… He also likes his blood elves with ketchup.

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Not accurate.

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Blood Elves go better with strawberries and cream or honey.


Night elf priesthood already fights as you said, nothing like paladins.

Turalyon fought back in the day too, he didn’t became a paladin until the very end when he defeated Doomhammer.

Seeking to create an order that would suffer less attrition in battle, the Archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light, Alonsus Faol, along with his apprentice Uther, recruited noble knights (to train in the ways of the Light) and members of the priesthood (to train in martial combat)

It’s either that, or it’s what you get when you teach a knight to pray.

There isn’t any character to speak of. She existed to be arm candy, beyond that there isn’t much other than a single mother who hates the Horde. Wouldn’t say she’s insufferable, just not a lot of substance there


Imagine being so wrong so much of the time.


Also “priests that learned martial combat” is the gist of the Blood Knights too.

Super like… low-resolution gist, but the gist nonetheless.

Blood Knights were royal guards, priests, and others who were infused with the light from a Naaru.

You’re making me want to give Paladin another try (Blood Elf of course!)