Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

If we’re talking lore, it doesn’t make sense because the high elves that remain aligned to the Alliance are very small. The few that did remain were on the expedition to investigate Telogrus Rift, which caused them to be mutated into Void Elves. About 90% of the High Elves converted to Blood Elves. The rest are splintered.

It doesn’t make sense to add them as a race or even customization option when you consider that the pool in which we’d be pulling from is incredibly small.

Hmmm? Odd I did not see anyone requesting gold eyes, jewelery on there HE or VE.


Hopefully blizzard doubles down on the fact their RP tools and move back to Void Elf things.

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There has been jewelry requests.

Gold eye requests will come. You know they will.


Number lore doesn’t make a good argument, HE on the alliance is not the only race that is supposably almost gone, dark spear trolls, void elves, gnomes and a few others is low on numbers too (VE being the big had here, as they where literally around just 12-30 people that existed at release.)

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On VE I would fight against gold eyes. I also don’t feel VE needs jewelery.

Small but present. And in non-insignificant numbers. 1% of a population could still be thousands and thousands of people. There are at least enough High Elves to make up an army (See, the Silver Covenant helping in the battle for Suramar).

Well, Void Elves were originally just a small faction of followers of Umbric. Lightforged were just an army too. Nightborne were just one city. Bilgewater goblins were just refugees from one island. Blood elves were 90% eradicated on their introduction.

Numbers have historically not mattered in determining whether or not a race gets added.

Gold eye demands will come if they ever successfully crybully their way to Paladins.

They’ll just cry more, like the tears will be enough to refill all the oceans, lakes and rivers in the world and then some.

I doubt blizz would give ve pallies, it would ruin paladin lore, which is one of the biggest iconic WoW classes. We’d have a better shot on getting model toggles then getting a ve pally.

If you want to use numbers to the reason why Alliance can’t have playable High Elves, then Gnomes, Darkspear Trolls, Void Elves, etc., they all would like to have a word with you.


Shame their tears are hot and not cold. If they were cold they could help rebuild the polar ice caps and cool the warming oceans as their tears raise sea level.

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Give an inch and they’ll take a mile.

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Void Elves shouldn’t ever have the Paladin class, Night Elves should but not Void Elves.


I mean, sure, but I still don’t think that it’s a valid argument to make that because there are high elves on the Alliance side, they should be a subsection of Void Elves. Play a blood elf or don’t. There’s nothing else to it.

Gnomes and Darkspear Trolls were small in number. They’ve since liberated their homes and have grown.

And the cycle continues. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

No they shouldn’t.

I agree with this moon lady.

I honestly don’t understand why people keep requesting paladins on a faction that studies void magic.


Because Blizzard caved once so they think if they whine enough they can get whatever they want.

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That’s like saying Draenei shouldn’t have Rogues, Lightforged shouldn’t have Monks, Worgen and Goblins shouldn’t have Monks, etc. you are wrong Averyx and it’s embarrassing, I actually feel sorry for you for once.