Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

This is why I advocate for the use of the word “Thalassian”. Makes things more clear.

Blood Elves are Thalassians.

High Elves are Thalassians.

Void Elves are Thalassians.

Blood Elves are Horde-aligned.

High Elves are Alliance-aligned.

Void Elves are Alliance-aigned.

Ad hominem.

Also that’s an assumption that’s false. I just want natural hair colors.

These are all correct, but also there are still Alliance-aligned Thalassian factions, such as the Silver Covenant.

Not necessarily! There are a lot of unmutated elves who have joined the ren’dorei to also study the Void. They might call themselves “ren’dorei” due to the political faction, but still remain unmutated.

After all, Void Elves are an exception, not the rule. Most races that use the Void do not get mutated to the extreme that Void Elves did. That was a single incident. So, it’s not hard to assume these newcomers would retain a fairly unmuated apperance.

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You keep using that word. I don’t think that word means what you think it means.

If you want to play by your logic, I’ll stop saying “Void Elves are High Elves”, the day you also stop insulting the Blood Elves by saying they are also “High Elves”?

Seems fair? Do we have ourselves a deal?

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I don’t think you do.

Ad hominem (adj) - (of an argument or reaction) directed against a person rather than the position they are maintaining

A faction of the neutral Kirin’tor.

It’s perfectly fine to criticize behavior.

Crybullying is a real behavior that deserves criticism.

Blood Elves are High Elves.

Void Elves are another flavor of, and their introduction makes that fairly obvious.

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Now you’re grasping at straws.

Affiliation: Alliance

Lead by:

Reaction: Alliance - Friendly; Horde - Unfriendly.

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LMAO wiki posts. Now you are grasping at straws.

Fact: The Kirin For is neutral.

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Eh couldn’t hurt, but more void options too is cool! I would draw the line at giving them Paladins, those are blood knights lol.

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I’m done arguing with someone who doesn’t acknowledge the validity of the wiki.

This thread was double necrod!

And not by me!

Good. Bye.


I’m sorry, but that’s the way factions roll in this game. You don’t always get to play the race you want to play unless you play the faction they’re on. I want to be able to play Dark Iron Dwarves on the Horde side, so I get it, but until they dissolve faction lines, this isn’t going to happen. There has to be some sort of distinction between the races on both sides, even the ones that are technically descendant of those opposite to them.


This is sad. We have two dark hair colors that are almost the same and our two “whites” are almost the same too. I can’t wait too see velf new hair colors, i hope we get white and black, ombre hair would look great for them too.

Void Elves are also High Elves. Stop living in your world of BIAS.


They’re mutants. Hence why they have blue skin and tentacles.

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Let’s not pretend they’re all buddy-buddy with the Horde in the way they are with the Alliance. Their whole schtick is that they wanted to kick the Horde out of Dalaran

We’re requesting NECROMANCERS :vampire:

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