Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I’m not spamming the forums. I’ve made one post, and people keep replying to it.

I don’t care. Being “mean” says more about the person being mean than it does about me. I’ve done my best to be civil, if not a little sassy (with a few hiccups).

You’re spamming the forums. That’s a fact.

Civil people stick to containment threads.

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Oh really because last time I checked spamming the forums is when there’s already existing threads about a topic and you make more just for the sake of making more.

Also this.


The title of my thread is “Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors”, not “Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors, and Paladins, and Silvermoon, and Allow Them to Be Horde”. I know others have requested this. I just want the hair colors. That’s what most of my friends who want to play high elves want.

Ad hominem.

Also, therein lies the issue. They’ve always been depicted as an Alliance race. They’ve been depicted as an Alliance race since before they were playable as a Horde race. Do not fault the players for wanting to play a canon-friendly Alliance race. Fault Blizzard for sticking them on both sides for the last 13 years.

I’m not personally involved in the High Elf posts. This is my first thread I’ve made on the subject. I’d appreciate if you didn’t associate me with a group with whom I’ve barely interacted.

Well, I’m a pro, and I am against VE Paladins (Because lore reasons), and well, I don’t really care much about Silvermoon. Hasn’t been updated in a really long time, so I gave up enjoying the cardboard cutout.

But the fact is, so many things can happen for the future. Whether we all like it or not, in the end, it is just pixels on the screen.

Now, for me, I would love to see more customizations for Void Elves to being us more closer to being the Alliance High Elves. And that is possible without even touching the Blood Elves or any of the races on the Horde. No, it does not mean we can have Paladins, but hey, who cares about Paladins? All people want is there High Elves, and this is probably the only way we’re going to get our High Elves.


I mean, you could just play a blood elf if it matters that much to you.


Which further infringes on the Blood Elf main theme Sara.

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And white, i NEED white. We need more hair colors in general, but my characters can’t be the way i imagine them without black and white hair.


People aren’t asking for a bunch of Demonic using addicts.


Blood elves are Horde-aligned, not Alliance-aligned.

But again, Blood Elf “themes” are far more than just their appearances.

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Blood Elves are High Elves.


And then you’ll crybully for more because you people will never be satisfied.

They left the Alliance at the end of WC2. That’s a fact.

They became Blood Elves in WC3. That’s a fact.

The Alliance tried to summary execute the entire Blood Elf envoy who tried to help them and assured that Blood Elves would not rejoin the Alliance. That’s a fact.

Blood Elves joined the Horde in BC. That’s a fact.

Facts over feefees.

Void Elves are also High Elves. Want to continue this into thread number 3, I can keep going on this Lann.

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No they aren’t LOL. You want them to be so badly though.

And where is the source to say they are not? C’mon, back up your claims?

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Void Elves are mutants. Like the X-Men but arguably less cool.

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Do any of the X-Men have purple blood?


Hey, you leave Teenage Mutants Ninja Turtles alone.

You’re talking to someone who doesn’t even think they are “Void” Elves.