Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

T in chat for tinkerer’s :stuck_out_tongue:

The Maldraxxus warlock cloth set is literally lich armor, makes me more salty we didn’t get necromancers.

The only concern I have with necromancer being added is warlocks and/or DKs going through another 7.0 demonology.


I’m not really worried about that. Unlike the warlock situation dk doesn’t really have a large chunk of its toolkit borrowed from necromancer, the only real crossover being death and decay. If Blizzard was really determined to give that to necromancers, it could be easily changed to baseline defile for dks. A change I think is pretty win win, because defile is way cooler anyway.

As far as warlocks, there exists two dot based shadow specs, two direct damage fire specs, three bleed based melee specs, etc. etc. I think Blizzard can find a way to make two mass pet based caster specs without having them reworking old classes.

One thing I think would be really cool would to have their main casts be to borrow from the Diablo necromancer with Bone Spike, not only is there not currently a DK a spec that really utilises much bone-based magic, but you could literally make a caster that primarily deals physical damage which is a super neat gimmick.


Yes, but they were added at the same time in vanilla, meta demo and DHs were not.

Can’t comment since I can’t name two of them.

They absolutely can, but given their current history with adding new classes in that are somewhat similar to another class’ spec, I don’t really trust Blizz on this one. I’d adore to be proven wrong by them.

Do note that I’m a warlock and I do have salt on my head because of it.


Does that really matter?

Let’s be real here, meta demo was a knock off of demon hunter. There was no way they could co-exist. The closest to this as far as DK is concerned is Unholy and Frost. Even then synergy with ghouls was largely a DK thing in Warcraft 3. Necromancers have always been more about skeletons and plagues have never been a thing particularly associated with them. Frost is more likely to have issues imo, since Frost mages borrow a lot of lich abilities. But even then it’s down to whether you can have two specs using frost magic, which is much wider and easier to get around than two specs using fel magic to transform into demons using a number of the exact same spells.

Assassination (why did they censor this word?), arms, kitty.

To clarify, WoW or WC3 DH?

Haven’t played two of these and it’s been forever since I played assass.

I think so but not enough for me to make an argument out of like I was trying to.

I think the real reason fire/destro and aff/shadow can coexist is

Which is what they should do with necromancers if they do them, and what they should have done with DHs, or they should have never made metamorphosis a warlock thing in the first place.

In the arena at the start of maldraxxus there were some mobs that were like a blend of necromancers and hunters. I’d play one.

Tbh I feel like they’re setting up playable classes for sls races. There are Venthyr, Faun and Kyrian hunters too.


I feel the humanoids in the house of the chosen can be used as a race too, quiestion is what are they called race wise? Should we just call them The chosen? Feels cheesey…


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Sounds evil…

WOW these are awesome :heart_eyes:


The colors are pretty if I remember correctly, yes.


It would be interesting to see the combinations people would create with the full ability to choose the void and non-void parts.

The true potential of velves.


No. They’re void elves, not high elves.


It would be interesting. I assume it wouldn’t be all encompassing though, like tentacles with brown hair probably wouldnt be an option.

I would really appreciate just a few styles to go with natural colors though. 3 for males and 3 for females. It wouldnt be perfect, but it would be satisfactory.


they’re not high elves. they’re void elves. move on along. nothing to see here. just another "gimme high elves blizz " thread


I don’t see why not. If they get normal hair colours it should definitely be for the tentacle hair options as well.

And they currently have less hair styles with tentacles than without so they have enough of them to go with the natural colours for a helf look.

They should however get more hairstyles anyway some that mimic Alleria’s small braids styles.


Well, we can hope but I dont know how it would work exactly since tentacles are… Weird. Players have discussed them in the past and I dont remember exactly how they work, so I wont go into it since I dont remember.

That would be a plus for player choice though if they wanted tentacles, but not weird hair colors.

Would definitely be cool to have some normal color contrasting with some light coming off the tentacles. Would be quite a unique look for a character.

Velves have a lot of potential though, so if .1 or .1.5 really brings customization for ARs. Velves would be one of the most watched for sure.

Right now we can’t really say they are against normal hair colours because making hair colours is actually more work as you have to correctly paint and shade them for every velf hair style therefore that’s most likely the reason why velves didn’t get any new hair colours, normal or not. Giving them skin colours was easy because it was just changing the underwear.