Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I mean this doesnt even just poo on Alliance, but BE as well and it’s the most greedy thing I’ve heard yet I think. So glad the thread got hijacked for it!

I’ll just check out since I dont need this crap on a holiday.


What is always with the personal attacks because people don’t agree with the main stream HE request lol.

Meanwhile the same people display actual personal attacks regularly it’s one big lol.


And what’s the point of changing that?

What is there to gain by taking a very important part of a faction who, let’s be real here, gets stomped on pretty regularly both in-universe and out by Blizzard and giving it to the race who has probably more storylines than any other besides orcs and humans? And do this in a way that makes elven Forsaken Forsaken in name only.

Isn’t that your problem with Calia? That she hasn’t faced the full weight of being Forsaken?

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I’ve read this 3 times and I still don’t get what your going with this.

Feels mean spirited though. But happy turkey day to ya. :stuck_out_tongue:


I’ll never understand why disagreements over pixel elves are oh so important that insults are needed.


I think it has entered sport mentality at this point, where if you bash someone else’s team you’d best be ready for a fist fight.

Cept this is on the net, so it would be a flame war.

That’s the thing. It wouldn’t change anything, we simply don’t know what were the motives for Velonara and her crew to follow Sylvanas in the first place. It would be a way to expand on their story rather than a change.

Hey, you don’t need to tell me that the Forsaken get constantly stomped on, all I’m saying that this would be my personal headcanon on how the customization could make sense.
I’m not saying it should happen either, I’m just thinking of a possible explanation.

I said it before, I don’t want the Forsaken to lose more things, but if I have to pick, I’d rather go for that and, again, it still would be better than handing the CotFS to a living human.

I’m simply explaining my rationalization behind my opinion. I’m completely neutral regardless of how it would happen, if it even happens.

Just more goalpost moving, basically.

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Give them bone-white hair and remove some swamp colours, Undead want their tints back!

Having the Dark Rangers abandon their people at a time of critical hardship, would, in my opinion make them no better than high elves.

And high elves deserve to get sent to Hank Hill Hell.


Hey now, them high elves choose to be loyal to the humans to honor their ancient pact, it’s the blood elves that needs to go to hank hill hell for disregarding that pact like it’s a hassle! (joke post)

What ancient pact? The same Anasterian considered paid after the second war?

You might be right, but again, unlike the High Elves, we don’t know the motives for the Dark Rangers.

EDIT: Nvm, I didn’t see the joke post part at the end Brae… I’m slow and multitasking… and hungry… where are my empanadas…

wow he paid it with a very small token force. lol

You could say the same about the Forsaken who went to join up with the Alliance.

Did you not feel that was a bit of a spit in the eye of who the Forsaken are?

Yeah, to honour a pact made with a man who’d been dead for 3000 years they should have fully mobilised.

A sword in the hand of every child, a prayer on the lips of every widow.


For some of them yeah.

I can see after so long why some might want to try returning though.

That’s the thing though, they’re Forsaken.

They weren’t the ones who abandoned the Alliance. The Alliance chased them away as monsters after they had literally all suffered painful deaths and then undeath.

Having the Alliance (or the blood elves) decide that the undead just don’t bother them anymore undermines their whole basic identity.

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I tried making a void elf the other day. They look weird, I dont think natural hair colours will stop them from looking terrible. Just my opinion. I didnt end up making one.

Having the Alliance and other such races not come to realize after so much time they were wrong just nullifies half the lessons both the Horde and Alliance keep circling back to.

The Forsaken were forsaken. They only had each other. Now they have the Horde and even the Alliance has to admit that they have time and again served in the defense of their home and world at least as well as any other race.

To ignore that would be foolish. At least for some.

Others I think would totally see the very idea as a betrayal. (and they did) in fact your view on it I think is extremely honest and true to how many would feel.

What about them bothers you?

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It just seems incredibly piss weak to me, that a race that prides itself on its steely will would just come up to the people who rejected them at their time of most dire need like a big eyed puppy dog and say, “Please, I know I made you guys kill my friends and hunt me like monster after I just wanted to re-unite with my loved ones after a truly horrific trauma. It was my fault. Just… l-let me come back? I’ll help you kill the people who supported me and treated me like a person while you were busy burying the people like me you lynched.”

It’s insulting. The Alliance should be coming to them for forgiveness, not to demand fealty.

The living Lordaeronians should be joining the Forsaken, not the other way around.


Even more so since the horde did attack their land when they decided to finally mobilize that token force.

Sure. Not certain I see them being made to swear fealty. I do agree the Alliance should be apologizing in this though. 100% they were the butt holes.

In the book it seemed more like there wasn’t exactly any sort of plan like that anyways. Calia just wanted to help… She shouldn’t have the way she tried. (also in no way do I think she should be the Forsaken leader without some major story beats leading her to actually understand and earn it).

Hey… Count me in.