Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors




I would love to get a white or black for my death knight at least…

Wow. That is the most lopsided and unfair thing I think I’ve heard yet. A new low. Good job.

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How is it low? I don’t think blonde don’t suit VE, They are void embued, with or without the skin color.

They need to look different from BE anyways.


It’s actually an entirely consistent argument.

Void elves shouldn’t get blonde hair because they’re void elves, not high elves.

Blood elves shouldn’t get undead skins because they’re blood elves, not Forsaken.



They’re void elves. Wanting void customizing for them makes sense.

As for Forsaken they already have a lot of lore about different types of undead that live among them. So that too makes sense.

You can disagree but dude don’t call it low just cause you have a different opinion.


yup besides, with those hair colors I linked, you can still rp as a HE.

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Not sure about some of them. But they’re dark and along the void lines.

While I’m still neutral on the whole point of who should get Dark rangers…

Y’all know you’re wasting your time with the human hunter?

She likes to use standards for others while moving the goalpost for herself whenever it’s convenient.

One to third, sure…

Headcanon time (and at least, I present a disclamer when I do have one, hah):

What if, with the grand exit of the two main Dark Rangers (Sylvanas and Nathanos), the Farstriders took them in?

I know, far fetched, and I wouldn’t really enjoy Forsaken losing more… but at least it’s better than the CotFS being lead by a living human, imo.


Well, while not really displayed in WoW, farstriders used nature magic and themes, while dark rangers used necrotic magic, I dunno how a slightly druidic faction would want people that use death magic joining them directly.

Yeah I know that it would be frowned upon.

But Blood Knights were also frowned upon by the population and even Lor’themar had his doubts.

But it would go with the whole “we do what must be done” thing.

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true, but at that time when the blood knights was formed, they where in a very bad cituation and was desperate. I don’t think today the BE is in the same cituation.

But I do get what your saying. Ultimately, an AR will always be the better option, but we should also reach for where it is the safest bet in lore.

On a side note… there’s still a queue for my realm… I really hope this changes by the time I actually have time to log on…


I don’t know, the hill of thinking that adding more ARs only will result on Blizzard poorly developing/neglecting more races, is the hill I will die on if I wasn’t already dead inside.

With that in mind I guess I wouldn’t be against toggles, but also, depending on how they’re handled.

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We will have to see if they take the idea, Hopefully they won’t go half way and have something weird like say a dark ranger male saying OG forsaken male lines.

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I mean isn’t that part of the course for what we see in these threads? The alliance can’t ask for anything but horde can do as they want.

I saw someone saying the alliance shouldn’t ask for vrykul because they don’t fight in battle formations therefore they are horde and the alliance should stop asking for what isn’t ours, and they weren’t even joking. So is not really surprising.


That would be odd. I want vrykul to join alliance though.

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When we start asking for something that is iconic for any Alliance race, you’ll have an argument.

Until then, I guess you’ll continue pushing false equivalencies. Seems like a constant with you.

Absolutely, Vrykul in the Alliance make sense.

Blizzard only going half way with things?




That would be awful.

It completely undermines what the Forsaken are.

“Oh yeah, you guys got rejected by your people, the only thing you have to keep you sane is support from your fellow Forsaken. We’re leaving now because we’re elves and our people are so much more accepting of the undead.”

What would be the point except to piss on the Forsaken while they’re literally homeless refugees begging for scraps on the streets of Orgrimmar?

Except that we don’t know if Velonara and Co. got rejected by the blood elves. For all we know they simply chose to follow Sylvanas due to fact that they used to follow her in life.


Odd. Most times I see Vrykul mentioned it’s for the Alliance.