Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Arrogance is an entitled high elf stan.


But… the only thing that makes high elves “lame” and blood elves “not-lame” is their hair color?

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Pot meet kettle. :joy: :joy: :joy:


I was actually having a conversation with my girlfriend just last night about how people who say “I just tell it like it is!” are just using that as an excuse to be a jerk.

Also, I hate to say it, but very few people who disagreed with me in this thread have been “nice” about it. Worry not. You aren’t alone.

There’s an entire faction devoted to them. Enough of a faction to be a

There’s dozens of NPCs in Stormwind alone.

Quest hubs.

They aren’t huge numbers, but their numbers are non-insignificant.

Or, my favorite way this has been described…

There’s a lot of things that make high elves lame.

First, there’s being lame human waifus.

Then there’s the whole changing their names back and deliberately crapping on the memories of the dead.

There’s the lack of embracing of elven culture. They’re basically long eared humans.

There’s also the uncomfortable adjacency to another group who is also obsessed with pure blonde haired blue eyed people. Yeah. That’s super lame.

What I’m reading is there are things outside of just their customization that make them distinct from blood elves?

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Blood Elves and Void Elves must stay distinct.


god i can’t think of a more entitled group of players than helfers


But, from what you’ve said…

They’re already distinct regardless of whether or not Void Elves get natural hair colors. Otherwise, blood elves would be just as “lame” as the high elves you just described.

Void Elves are not lame bland elves no matter how much you whine.

I still don’t know why people want to look like Blood Elves so badly. Void Elves are objectively cooler.


Expecting people to be nice when you are just spamming up the forums and trying to steal options from a Horde core race that you have no right to is never going to get people to be nice to you so I don’t feel sorry for you, you deserve it.


I like Void Elves. I’d like to keep the Void in Void Elves.


Good Idea. Human Hair Colours and Hair Styles for Void Elves, and Night Elf Hair Styles too please.


I see no problem with that.

I just want them to leave Blood Elves alone.

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Well, that is what people have been requesting for. Customisations already within the Alliance races for Void Elves. Natural Hair Colours does not mean it has to come from the Horde.


There was 0 mention about BE except by anti VE crowd …

The only request made was to get more than 7 hair color for VE (3 of them are also the same color)


I agree! I have three. I love my kalimari elves.

However, your initial argument was “keep blood elves distinct”.

Then, your argument was “high elves aren’t interesting enough to be in WoW!” (Depsite the fact that that’s an entire subjective opinion). However, they are in WoW. That’s a fact. That’s canon.

However, per your own thoughts, Blood Elves and High Elves would remain distinct from each other even if High Elves got natural hair colors.


Doesn’t necessarily matter why, but they do want to look like it. I’m not going to tell other people what they should or shouldn’t enjoy, so long as its within reason.

Yet helf Stans continually demand an exact clone down to Paladin and taking away Silvermoon and giving it to the Alliance.

I just want them to take their grubby little fingers somewhere else for their weaksauce bland elf fantasy.

They’ve never been a playable race. You’re not entitled to them no matter how big a tantrum you throw. That’s a fact. That’s canon.