Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

The nightborne / night elves are shared too … but Horde have gotten really ugly models … and not the Nice ones Like the NPCs in Suramar …

16 years of being insufferable isn’t something to brag about imo, or 16 years of failure is another way to look at it not something I’d brag about either.

Or just the fact you were never entitled to the High Elves yet you do have two decent compromises now, learn to be grateful.


Take it easy Joffrey

It’s not our fault that you people can’t get over the fact that High Elves left the Alliance at the end of Warcraft 2 and became Blood Elves in Warcraft 3 and Blizzard gave them to Horde.

You shouldn’t be awarded for being so out of touch with lore.


And yet somehow you still use that as an argument like it holds any weight at all. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


They’re not identical models. There has been substantial modification.

This actually isn’t that uncommon among RPers!

It was a quick and dirty explanation, not supposed to capture a full wiki article on the differences.

Ad hominem. Also incorrect. I care a lot about the lore! I’ve linked to wiki articles that support my claims and cited in-universe events as frequently as I thought they were relevant.

I’m just citing lore reasons is all!

We do this all the time. That’s what the “at-a-glances” are for! However, hair color just seems an arbitrary restriction that few other frequently-RP’ed races have to contend with.

Ad hominem.

I said that belf males could use additional options. Like I said, I have one, and I wanted more for him. However, belf females… Eh? I don’t know. They gained a fair amount, but also… for hair options, they have like… 30 already lol

I’m addressing concerns that “If Void Elves got natural hair colors, then the blood elves wouldn’t be distinct from them any more!”

I’m saying that there would be ample distinction. Just like how, in real life, cultures distinguish themselves from one another, even though we’re all human. We do so with heritage, location, language, culture, whatever! Blood elves would still have all of those to distinguish themselves from any Alliance-aligned Thalassian.

Are you?

I can! A lot of people do. (I actually recently counted, about 1/3 of all Void Elves are “High Elves”.) It’s not an unfair ask to introduce basic customization options for people to look like the race they wanna play :slight_smile:

Ad hominem.

Ad hominem.

Ad hominem, again.

The “be more empathetic” argument kinda falls apart when a lot of these arguments are aimed at me as a player rather than the points I’m making. Additionally, the request is that high-elf players “empathize” with blood elf players, but there’s been no indication of that “empathy” being returned.

There’s a difference between “entire lack of empathy” and “compromise.” “Empathy” doesn’t mean “give me what I want or you don’t care”. I understand you want to remain distinct from Alliance-aligned high elves, and I get that. However, my argument is that, canonically, that distinction doesn’t exist on the character-customization level. That’s never been true. The distinction exists on all the other levels.

False equivalence.

The former argument is directed at the claim that blood elves would lose their distinction if void elves got natural hair colors.

The hair color are important to us so we can have a basic option to make our characters resemble other canon-friendly Alliance-aligned Thalassians.

This is not true. Most of the High Elves left, yes. However, a non-insignificant portion remained with the Alliance.

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Factions would remain in tact, the races would be free to pick their faction.

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The thing with Thalassians is that they’ve always played both sides of the faction line. There’s always been Alliance-aligned Thalassians. And since BC, there have been Horde-aligned ones too.


Not all of them changed to blood elves…

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Still should never happen, if I wanted to play with Alliance or Alliance players I’d play with that side, I never want to see gross races like Human, Worgen, Gnomes, etc. in Horde so I’m sticking with no.

And we don’t wanna see “gross” races like orcs, trolls, and undead… So, we wanna stick with the Alliance.


Great then stay on the faction you are on and play the race you have which is Void Elves with Void Elf options not Blood Elf with Blood Elf options, cool how that works out eh?

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Well… Not exactly, because high elves have been depicted as an Alliance race since Vanilla.

I mean… These were added as NPCs in BfA:

Sure you have and I’m the queen of England.

If I can play a High Arakkoa without even a model I think helf stans can use their imaginations just a little.

That’s nice. It doesn’t mean I’m not going to stand up to you promoting robbery of what little distinction Blood Elves have left for your bland elf fantasy.

You failed to address how completely robbing all visual distinction from Blood Elves is somehow not robbing all visual distinction from Blood Elves.

I’m just saying you’re wrong.

It’s not enough.

Keep Blood Elves and Void Elves distinct.

I’m not the one who can’t get over my bland elf fantasy enough to realize how bad it feels to be a Blood Elf with all these grubby fingered vultures trying to pick our distinction bare.

It’s unfair to Blood Elves.

The however just negates the statement before it.

Absolute equivalence.

High Elf stand are desperately trying to gaslight those standing up against their attempts to demand a complete clone of Blood Elves unopposed by telling them that the customizations are not that important.

At the same time they’re completely hysterical at how hard they’re trying to get those same options.

It’s peak hypocrisy.

The hair colors are important to us because they’re part of our only visual theme which is required for us to enjoy our Blood Elf fantasy which has equal or greater value to your high elf fantasy because there are more of us than you and we have been around much longer.

Eight npcs staying does not the whole race make.

You are grasping at straws and that never flies with me because I’m not nice like other people you talk to, if you think a few npcs here and there justifies you stealing our race you are way off base, Blood Elves and High Elves are Horde if you want that race play the proper faction. End of story.

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Sounds like a personal problem to me. If you want a blonde elf you’ll have to use your imagination or get over it.


So… If Void Elves get, what you call, “Blood Elf” hair options, that makes them “bland elf fantasy”, is it that you want all the bland elf fantasy for yourself?

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Arrogance is a kingdom without a crown.

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I don’t like High Elves. They’re lame.

I like Blood Elves.