Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

There is no point to talk with „those „ blood elves.Discussion is an exchange of knowledge, argument an exchange of ignorance…

Should we pretend to be shocked because I just spent the whole day yesterday pretending anyway. Haha.


If our customizations don’t matter then why are you so hell bent on robbing us of them?


It’s not robbing… it’s Sharing

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I got dressed up, took pictures, and then got in my pajamas for the rest of the day lol.


And how do you not know the meaning of a compromise?

You aren’t entitled to everything someone has.

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It’s robbing.

Taking something that belongs to someone else without consent is not sharing.

I can’t go up to someone and steal their car forever and tell the police that it’s just sharing.


It’s funny how it’s sharing when it’s stealing everything from us but not if or when we want stuff taken from that side, oh the irony. :joy: :joy: :joy:

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If you lose the option than would be „robbing“ .

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These people have no empathy. They just can’t think outside of their lame bland elf obsession enough to realize that having your model stolen then having your skins stolen then having people trying to make a complete clone of your favorite race feels incredibly bad and a bit violating.

There’s nothing wrong with us standing up against selfish stans who are campaigning for the final violation that destroys what remains of our visual distinction.

We have been robbed of our distinction and only visual theme with absolutely nothing to show for it but still it’s not enough for you.


And yet people always say I’m the mean one when I’m not nice to any of them, I mean really look at them, they just want to steal and steal and steal because it’s one sided and all about me, me, me.

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Helf Stans: It’s just visual customizations, it’s not that important. Why are you so upset?

Also Helf Stans: I neeeeeeeeed it. Gimme gimme gimme.


Very much this.

Also this they want to downplay it to Blood Elf players so bad then why are they so frantic to get what they didn’t get in a compromise already in their favor :face_with_monocle:

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I think that Blizzard take such decisions to make their players fight . I mean there is no conflict about Pandaren or any other race in the game .

To be fair, if Blizzard would have just created a high elf faction for an allied race instead of the foolish compromise they went with this whole situation could have been avoided. At this point I almost think they should add in a feature where you pick your faction when you pick your race. In lore there has been characters of all races allied with the ‘normal’ opposing faction. I am sure it would be odd at first but I do not think races being bound to factions is beneficial anymore.

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The race that was always intended to be neutral is the one you’re going to use to justify at stealing things from Blood Elves further?


This should never happen, ever because the whole foundation of this game is built off of two different factions.


Show me a conflict like this one for the High elves … more than 16 years … I mean the conflict it’s bigger than Orc-Humans in the game …

People who signed up for Pandaren knew their model would be shared.

When I signed up for a blood elf in bc, I wasn’t given advanced notice that my model would be given to the other faction.

We’re the only race in the game whose exact model has been shared across faction after the fact. Of course people are going to take issue with it.

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Make it real Devs, lets get those hair colors and styles rollin for Void Elves!

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