Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Which is why Blood Elves are High Elves lol.


Quote them in a post. Copy their name. Go to your profile. Select users. Add manually.

Add me too.


LMFAO! At the drama in this thread. :joy: :joy: :joy:

Saving time FTW. :yum: :yum: :yum:


AHH Always good to see you in these threads though :hot_face: these conversations are always the same though but imo at this point need to be nipped in the bud when I see them.

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I’m getting old here. Are you posting or what?

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I prefer to refer to the whole race as “Thalassians”.

The difference being that Alliance-aligned Thalassians are typically called “high elves”, whereas Horde-aligned are"blood elves", which is for good lore reasons.

We can almost* copy that onto Void Elves. Still need those hair colors!


Jewelry options. Ear options. Hair options. Eye options. Beard options.

Again, I still think males need more customization (I have a belf pally and was sorely disappointed when I basically changed nothing on him.)

Belves also have unique heritage armor, a capital city, their racial leader is one of the front-line characters. And those haven’t been changed! If anything, they’ve been gained over the last year or so.

Look at the Sunreavers and Silver Covenant. Those are the exact same race, but look entirely different. The character themselves doesn’t make the blood elf aesthetic. It’s all the other stuff that makes them distinct.

Are you familiar with the word hyperbole?

Exactly. I don’t want another elf race. We have too many. It’s a good way to play Alliance-aligned High Elves without having to do that!

But we want high elves :slight_smile:

You mean the options you yourself requested?

You can have tentacles if you want!

“Duty”, “Brutalize”? Ehh… You think you might be taking this a little too seriously?

I’m happy to get the colors from where ever! As long as we can be blonde, brown, black, silver/white, and red!

Those players just want their character models to resemble the character they have in their minds. It’s not an unreasonable request. After all, that’s why character art is so big.

You’ve stopped referring to high elf requesters as “people” all together and just call them “stans” lol

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Nobody cares how you go about using terms you think might better benefit your arguments at further stealing.

It’s not theft if you lost nothing!

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We always end up the same places and I approve of that highly. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

I really wish I could love posts more than once because LOL! :joy: :joy: :joy:

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My favorite new argument is “Void Elves are High Elves just like Blood Elves” as if the Void isn’t you know a factor.

*Edit: My least favorite new argument

Lol, I always call us the High Elves because we are and them corrupted Blood Elves because that’s what they are. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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I’m not saying that.

I’m saying they’re all Thalassians, but the void-mutated ren’dorei are distinct. That’s why I’m not asking to get rid of the void options.

However, there are Alliance-aligned high elves who have never interacted with the Void, and the ren’dorei are recruiting additional elves into their faction, and those weren’t subject to the ethereal attack. Those characters could call themselves “ren’dorei” without actually being mutated due to their political alignment. Since the distinction is now mostly political.


Or the new argument of “I just want the following colors and styles : proceeds to list the entirety of everything Blood Elves have left”


Again, you don’t lose anything because void elves gain things!

Your aesthetic/“distinction” is exterior to your character. It’s your history, city, faction, apparel, whatever.

You literally don’t even have that if you want to get right down to it :upside_down_face:

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Those are unafflicted Thalassians (that are both High Elves and from Silvermoon!) coming to study with the Ren’dorei.

Where has it been explicitly stated you even have those? Just like the post I linked you of who I saw originally point it out, all you have is Umbrics Crew.

I don’t understand. We have them because they’re there and they are Alliance-aligned?

As are these characters:

Yes at best you have RP tools.

And none of this entitles you to anything Blood Elves have left, and that includes but not limited to hair styles, paladin, hair colors, because then normal Elf theme is Blood Elves.

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Nobody cares.

Except that’s not particularly in alignment with lore. I guess you just don’t care about that.

Use your imagination. Or am I a better RPer than you?

Men don’t have.

Two new.

Three new.

Which can’t be seen more than 5 feet away so nobody cares except helf stans.


This has nothing to do with anything.

Which rabid helf stans have been trying to take forever.

This has nothing to do with customizations.

Nobody cares about either group except for helf stans.

Are you familiar with the word empathy?

You can already play them. Just set your TRP to read High Elf and viola you’re a high elf. It’s called imagination. You should try it sometime.

I want a million dollars. You can’t always get what you want.

This doesn’t prove anything. The options don’t exist because they’re different races. Shocker isn’t it?

Maybe you should work on your empathy skills.

You can have those right now with the power of imagination.

Sounds like they need to work on their imagination skills.

I’ll view them as something other than greedy selfish frothing stans when they start treating Blood Elf players and our needs with basic human empathy.