Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I think “robbed” is a bit strong, especially coming from someone whose avatar is using the new skin tones and a new beard option.

I think Blood Elves (especially the guys) need some more customization option (especially beards). And if blood elves want to have a non-tentacled version of our hair styles, then feel free! More customization is good.

However, I’ve never seen a blood elf player ask for void elf hair colors/styles outside of this conversation, as some kind of “payment” for “stealing” their options. But, that doesn’t bother me.

In fairness, they are the exact same race. From a lore perspective, this would be like saying that Alliance Pandaren are “clones” of Horde Pandaren.

I’ve never seen people ask for Silvermoon, but I also don’t stay involved with the high elf community at all. I have seen people ask for Paladins, and… Ehh? I don’t much care. I just want the hair colors.

Will some people complain until high elves are made their own race with access to Silvermoon? Yes, absolutely. I’m not one of those people. Being able to look like a high elf while playing Alliance is all I want, and I believe this is true for a large portion of the people making these requests. At least, it is for those among my friends who are also asking for natural hair colors for void elves.

These are actually very lore-friendly. From two perspectives:

  1. High Elves are a long-standing race in the Alliance, and have been present as Alliance NPCs as far back as Vanilla. They gained a larger presence in BC, and then even moreso in Wrath with the introduction of the Silver Covenant. This allows players to look like those characters without making a brand new race.
  2. Void elves have been recruiting non-transformed elves into their ranks. These options could represent new recruits. After all, the ren’dorei transformation wasn’t a slow thing. It was the result of an unexpected attack. Think of all the other races that use void magic - they don’t all look betentacled.

The void elves deserve more hair styles and colors … White , Black …

The two things have nothing to do with each other?

Also robbed is an appropriate word for what happened.

Actually Void Elves are mutants.

It happens all the time.

I want to protect what little distinction Blood Elves have left from the grubby fingered high elf stans.


Blame the game director …

I blame the stans.


What a joke.


Well… “Robbed” implies “taken”. Whereas the skin tones were more “copied”. I’m suggesting that void elves didn’t “rob” blood elves because blood elves lost nothing, and used your new customization options as a example to say that you actually gained some, but could definitely use more.

But high elves aren’t! And, as I’ve said, this is mostly so people have an option to play Alliance-aligned High Elves without adding another elf race.

Ad hominem comment aside, there’s really not a mechanical or lore rationale that this should be true. It seems more that the frustration is directed at the High Elf requesters moreso than the requests themselves. Again, high elves and blood elves are the same race, just like Pandaren are the same race.

if they look indistinct from each other, well… It’s because they are indistinct from each other! If you take issue with that, then the source of the problem is the fact that the lore has two factions of the same race that just wear different colors.

Blood Elves are High Elves.

The fantasy filling that genre, you can now copy that on Void Elves, that is losing something, and we got some jewelry only female characters have access to.

You don’t have as your secondary visual theme a claim on our main visual theme, and these RP tools don’t entitle you to any more, and this was already a compromise skewed in your favor. I hope Blizzard doubles down now on Void only options.


Does not matter if we gained some. We were brutally robbed of all skin distinction to appease a bunch of whiners who continue to whine even though they got their way because they’re selfish and ungrateful.

The race is labeled Void Elves. Sorry.

But you don’t have High Elves. You have Void Elves. Void Elves are mutants and not the same race. I can prove it because Blood Elves don’t have tentacle options.

It’s my duty as a Blood Elf fan to stand up against the sea of whining from people who want to brutalize my favorite race and rob us of what little distinction we have left.

Go steal from someone else and leave Blood Elves alone.


Well some try to push this “Void Elves are High Elves too” theme which is irritating.

Because Blood Elves are High Elves, but Void Elves are now Void Elves, Blood Elves didn’t near turn into Ethereals like Void Elves.


Instead of baking copy paste races like void elves, mechagnomes, hmtauren, lfdraenei they should have listened to community.

Highelves are popular and requested since vanilla. They already in-game, for e.g. like silvercovenant faction. You just allow then playable - problem solved.

No other race is more requested and welcomed then highelves. Lets stick to this.

I don’t get why these high elf stans don’t just set their TRPs to “High Elf” and use their imaginations.

You can put blonde hair in a glance and use your imagination. There’s no need to completely decimate Blood Elves distinction.

Am I somehow a superior RPer for playing a high Arakkoa without an avatar?

Nobody cares.

It’s done. Blood Elves are High Elves. Move on.

You got a compromise already in your favor, the world doesn’t revolve around you or anyone else demanding High Elves in their entirety, that’s what a compromise is, and now Blizzard needs to consider its Blood Elf player fan base.


I can’t imagine being this entirely unbearable.

Get over yourself.


The problem is that high elf stans don’t consider Blood Elf players people.


They aren’t though.

Most High Elves sided with the Alliance. most Blood elves with the horde".
Your own words. You sorted them by High and Blood before which side they were on.

I can’t imagine contributing nothing more than insults to a conversation. So I guess we’re at a cross roads on understanding huh.

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Actually most High Elves changed their name to Blood Elves.


Why can’t you imagine it? It’s all you’ve done.

Thank the gods for ignore, you’re the worst of this community.

Edit: Nvm, you’ve hidden your profile so no one can ignore you Awesome Job.

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