Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Funny because blood elves are way more vanilla than high elves now.

Blood elves exiled void elves, high elves welcomed them.


If they weren’t hand-delivered by a Thalassian war hero I bet they would’ve turned their noses up too!


im literally talking to myself now but for all the mf attention to detail the art team puts into meticulously crafting gorgeous environments, its crazy to me that they can’t devote 1/10000 of that time to character customization, when its clearly something that a good deal of players are invested in

we don’t give a flying [redacted] about that one unique mushroom in ardenweald we want blonde hair dammit


The problem is not about not giving races more options. It’s to give them more options that expand on their identity.

VEs could use more options just like everyone else. It’s just that options that add flavor to their actual personality as their own people that are mainly requested.

Blond would not be one of those, though.


Blizz should totally make more customizations and stuff and release them monthly. I’d absolutely throw real money at it. I already do it for Warframe.


i truly don’t believe that giving void elves the hair color of their literal leader would be out of bounds. but that said, my desire is not to copy pasta from other races, its to just mf give void elves their own natural hair colors


As the sage says, “¿Porque no los dos?”

There’s certainly options that could be unique and function to expand on void and high elf themes, depending on context.

I’m a big fan of the two tone hair that looks great on humans and trolls… and… night elves?

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YES GIRL. haters to the left.

People have different opinions. No need to throw shade.


i would never sis! i merely request that those whomst hate me stand to my left


Black hair, tentacle toggles, a paler hair, blood red…

The rather wavy kul’tiran styles plus or minus tentacle toggles… void tattoos or just tattoos in purple… it’s not hard to come up with appearances that could be void and high elf friendly.

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I’m against paying (more) money for it, but the improvements to customizations and variability have made me pretty happy thus far.

I want more though.


Honestly the best thing to do is to ignore it. It’s not perfect, but it helps. Obvious bait is not worth it. Sometimes I get sucked in to the constant prodding and baiting, so I know it’s not always easy.

HE customization is for both BE and VE now. That is a fact. They’ve already put all that old bickering to bed about who is doing what and why. Now it’s just about requesting the customization whether you are a BE fan, HE fan, or VE fan.


I dont know who you are or where you came from, but that made me laugh. Thank you.

Isn’t it clowns to the left and jokers to the right… and here we are, stuck in the middle with elves.


They don’t listen to constructive criticism. They will randomly wait to add it years from now for no reason.

i am aira from ye olde land of ppl who want blue eyes and white sclera

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It’s Blizzard. Realistically, they’re either going to do the easiest, cheapest thing with minimal effort…

Or else something bananas.

But still easy.

What would be bananas?