Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

I knew that? What’s your point here?

She meant me because I stand by BEs are HEs it’s just a name change.

And she insinuates that’s all VEs are as well lol.

Well, aren’t they though? There’s no actual difference physically between a Blood Elf and a High Elf besides political stuff? I thought we already went through all of this? lol

I mean Saralocks said it herself:

It’s literally just a name change. No physical differences.

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I’m still waiting for your source to where it says Void Elves aren’t High Elves?

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We have but that users argument is contingent on “well then that’s all VEs are too” ignoring the Void transformation they go through.

Can you source where it says they ARE?

Why are you trying to make arguments with people when we don’t know the answers to that? Blizzard hasn’t even come out and said anything about it yet. So, why are you?

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She’s going to link you to Ion calling them a different flavor of HE. Ignoring their obvious intro and the usage of the word flavor which insinuates a change.


Why not ask Lann the question considering he is claiming they aren’t.

After all, where in the lore, or in the game, does it specifically say Void Elves are no longer High Elves?


And where in the game does it say that high elves are becoming void elves?

You’re asking questions AGAIN that nobody knows the answers to thinking you’re having some kinda “GOTCHA” moment.


Contradict much, considering you tried using it to strenghing your argument into saying they are not High Elves.

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You generally don’t have to prove the absence of something.

No I didn’t you just started linking it as a gotcha moment and I pointed out the flaws I’m not only your stance on VEs not being VEs but also the statement you tried to used as a gotcha moment.

I mean, technically both High Elves and Blood Elves are becoming Void Elves, they just are, in a way, “Second generation”. Basically the ones that kept their natural eye colors and skin tone. You can see them in Telogrus Rift, in the form of High Elf Wayfarers and Silvermoon Scholars.

That is speculation on your part in both assuming and also assuming even in this scenario that the Void doesn’t have some effect on them as well.

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I’m sorry but that’s STILL speculation. You literally pulled that out of the air.

Those NPCS have been in the rift since the release of the race, they’re not some new development or exciting find.

Edit: NOR are ANY of those NPCS blonde. Hell, they even have Death Knight Eye animations so who the heck knows what that means…I don’t lol.

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Would you like me to link every single post?

EDIT: Oh boy, this is going to be good. He is going to edit them or remove them. Yes, the lies and contradiction are strong with you Lann.

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While you’re at it, why not tell everyone on the Legacy of the Quel’dorei that we don’t have High Elves, and we’re not getting High Elves, because of your “Blood Elves”.

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I don’t think I need to work hard on defending myself from someone who insinuated I had a problem with needles because we disagree over fictional Elves.

Or someone who continuously off the forums likes to cause drama like what is your point?

That I’m happy for whats been done and the RP tools in place but don’t want to see anymore infringements to the BE main visual theme?

If telling you to do something is considered a problem, well, I got news for you.

Good for you if you’re happy. But guess what, if you think hair colour is part of the BE Main visual theme, then I have also news for you.

But I already know your a fanboy, so, nothing to see here.