Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

Wow, it’s a genuine ACK-TUE-HALLY meme.

She’s a void elf. I’m a void elf.

But you’re still supporting the HE request?

Another case of not making sense Sel :confused:

Because… that’s the way it happened???

Alleria learned to use void magic in a completely different way under the tutelege of Locus-Walker. Void Elves are something else entirely different from her. They were created during a botched attack on the blood elves. She is just leading them due to their similar ailments.

No, the Etherals were the ones who originally transformed Umbric and his followers when they were studying the void in Silvermoon.

Any new Void Elves that join, wouldn’t be transformed, and they would be able to keep there normal appearances.


Umbric and his followers were thrown out of Silvermoon BEFORE they were turned into void elves. THEN Alleria went to find them. When she found them in Telogrus Rift, they were in the middle of unlocking the artifact and that’s when the Prince and his cronies attacked them, and attempted to turn them into void creatures.

Y’all need to start doing some fact checkin’ before you start throwin’ out said facts.

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You’re arguing over lore surrounding what is potentially the least lore-oriented race in WoW. There are no ‘rules’ here. If there were, Blizzard would have never added the flesh skin tones after-the-fact to begin with. The very fact that we can maintain our fleshy appearance dramatically dispels the notion - based on nothing substantial to begin with - that we’re tied to the tentacle hair styles (not to mention that some of the hair already in the game has no tentacles at all!).


I don’t understand how you can call this an argument because that’s the EXACT way the scenario went down lol.

Complete and utter speculation on your part. Until blizzard says something officially, that’s all it is.


Given that blood elves now have blue eyes, we don’t even know if void elves with blue eyes even represent a new generation until Blizzard clarifies it.


I just get annoyed when people claim their speculations as some sort of facts.

Well, Blizzard did say this:

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out.


See how they said tie it back to the roots? They didn’t say give them the whole shebang.

Oh look at what I also found:

Q: In the dwarf starting area, you are very much a Bronzebeard dwarf. That’s quite explicit in the story that’s being told there when you start a dwarf character. With the introduction of something like the Wildhammer tattoos, which obviously make you look like a Wildhammer, are you a Wildhammer if you use those tattoos?

A: It’s a little complex because we asked ourselves the question of, we have these really cool options like Wildhammer tattoos, but does that mean we need to make a Wildhammer starting experience? If we give trolls skin options that look like other troll tribes besides Darkspear, does that mean we have to make new starting experiences for them as well? The onus of that would’ve meant that we couldn’t do these things because that would be so much time and would consume so many resources to be able to do that, that it just wouldn’t have been practical for us to do. And so then the question is, do we limit the options that we give players because of some storyline concern, or resource concern, or anything like that? And we said, no. We’re not gonna’ do that. So while we’re not gonna’ give you a dedicated Wildhammer starting experience if you pick those tattoos, the freedom should be there in your mind to roleplay your character how you want to roleplay them. Whatever tattoos, customizations, whatever skin color options you pick, come up with a story that fits your character, and that’s your place in the world. And regardless of what quest text is, or how it refers to you, remember that it’s your choice and your character, and you get to express yourself that way. That’s at the bottom line of what we want Azeroth to be. We want it to be this welcoming place that lets all those options be out there, lets people experience them, and again, choose the path that your character wants to be. And don’t let anyone else tell you what your character can or can’t be. You decide that.


Because the void elves themselves are arguably the most ridiculous and thinly-conceived addition to the encyclopedia of races in the history of the franchise. It was so freaking convenient that at the exact same moment that Alleria was mucking around with forbidden powers (and getting herself exiled from Silvermoon), that a group of Blood Elf scientists were themselves dabbling in the void, only to become castoffs in turn

I like my void elves - I’m happy they’re in WoW. But they are literally a race that has no substantial grounding other than Ion Hazzikostas’ (however it’s spelled) perverse desire to deliver LOLHIGHELVESBUTTHEY’RENOTSOYOULOSE NYAAAHHHH! to the Alliance after years of pleading.

Yet, in spite of that transparent motivation, he allowed the design team to backpedal slightly and gift us much-desired normal skin tones - something I am infinitely grateful for. Acknowledging that the situation with VEs remains incredibly fluid (since, again, they are founded on literally nothingburger lore; to they extent that they can suddenly look nearly-normal again), I’d like the pendulum to creep a few millimeters further and allow for additional hair colors and styles.

We’re literally 98% of the way there, and to sate your puritanical needs, I do still turn a frustrating, obscene shade of violent violet every 30 seconds in combat (I am clearly NOT a high elf). But I want different hair, and there’s nothing written in stone, soap, or even carved into the face of a Ritz Cracker that says that I shouldn’t be able to have it moving forward.


That’s all RP. They said nothing about game mechanics. This paragraph doesn’t help your case.

They said YOU can play the character the way YOU want.

You do know WoW is an MMORPG

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It’s nice that you completely danced around the fact that you’re arguing the story with me and you attempted to make points that are rather pointless to what we’re talking about.

Probably why I said that. Nobody is stopping you from RP’ing as a high elf. When did I say you couldn’t do that?

We were arguing what the story was and how they became void elves.

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RP tools is what I’ve been pointing out too.

Should I point out that to you two as well, considering that Blood Elves stop considering themselves as High Elves when they renamed themselves to the Sin’dorei?

Or want to continue the contradictions.

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That’s not really conclusive.

That’s literally saying “you can RP what you want”.

I can say my orc is actually the bass player from dance punk band Electric Six. Does that mean that’s canon?

I’m just saying, until there’s a story explanation we’re all just guessing.