Give Void Elves Natural Hair Colors

me too its a really nice shade of red that I was originally hoping for .


right ? i feel like normal draenais really need some love

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You guys got the void elves, and at this point you want the Blood elves completely on Alliance side. But Horde gets nothing equal in return.

We got Nightborne, our version of Night elves. Expect worse looking in everyway shape or form and with 10% of the customization options.

I think it’s fair to say, you can get more stuff for VEs stuff when we get more stuff for NB options.

Got to feel bad for anyone playing Nightborne sitting in the corner, quietly hoping Blizzard will eventually do more work on there clearly rushed Allied Race…


I was disappointed with the Nightborne, until I looked past that and said, they are still fabulous.

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Midare didn’t just paint pros with a broad generalization, that was something you just did because you fail to understand people’s position.

Oh look you did it again.

Midare was right.


Daily reminder.


I don’t know you’re throwing around the word pathetic, and I think insinuating something about needles because you can’t fathom disagreement is pretty pathetic.

Or just demonizing the opposition in general because again you can’t handle disagreement.

I guess it’s a word you’re using to project onto others, while doing the same thing or excusing worse.

Pretty much this, well said Fenelon :hugs:

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Why not just keep sucking up even more, Lann?

Make them into your god.


We’re definitely lacking on VE hair styles and colors. I don’t know that they necessarily have to be the same ones that the blood elves get, but with the introduction of the normal skin tone, IMO there should be at least a few ‘regular’ hair colors to match.


You mean that entire faction that changed their name to blood elves and joined the horde (besides a few)?

Those high elves?

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I’d join a religion worshipping Fezzy.


This is another case of maybe this is what you do when you agree with someone in an attempt to endear yourself to people, but that doesn’t apply to others behavior, so this scenario coming from you of all people is incredibly ironic.

Maybe you should look at yourself first Lann before pinpointing others too.

Apparently to the internet, Coffee is a second religion here in Australia.

Okay, I get that this has gotten personal between you, etc., etc. But the fact that Blizzard themselves introduced the natural skin tones, IMO, obligates them to add normal hair. Alleria is way, way, way, way, waaaaaaaaaaay more void-infused than your average void elf, and she still manages to maintain her perfect blonde locks. It is logical other VEs should be able to as well.


It is logical, because the Wayfarers and Scholars.

EDIT: And I need to slow down on my typing before 404’ing the thread with typo’s.


I never mentioned needles.

Actual, worthy opposition is fine.

You’ll have to forgive me if my tolerance for spoiled children has waned, however.

No, I’m actually still trying to help win more additions, rather than languishing in defeat.

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Don’t be snotty, if we start giving people grief for agreeing with each other it’ll just devolve into name calling and ‘u’ ‘no u’.

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Alleria is not a typical void elf. She’s just a high elf using void magic whereas void elves were created in a completely different way.